
金塊前鋒Aaron Gordon決定要做些什麼來改變一些小時候看到的不平等情況。




Gordon和他的母親Shelly Davis Gordon於2019年,決定利用Shelly在矽谷擔任工程師多年的專業知識創辦了CodeOrlando。這是為8至12年級學生所舉辦為期一個月的免費夏令營,向來自奧蘭多各學校的學生介紹關於編碼、機器人技術和納米技術。

科技行業的統計數據也啟發了Gordon和他的母親。根據《洛杉磯時報》報導,在 2014年谷歌近50000名員工中,83%是男性、60%是白人、30%是亞洲人,而僅有2.9%是拉丁裔以及1.9%是黑人。根據國家教育統計中心的數據,2016年所有STEM大學中也只有6.5%是黑人畢業生。



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引用“I was probably 10 years old, and what I noticed later, as I reflect, it was all white men,” Gordon, whose mother is white and father is Black, recently told The Undefeated. “She was one of the only women there. She was breaking a glass ceiling of her own. But it was just all white men. That’s not right.”

“We did a lot of stuff like holiday giveaways, Thanksgiving stuff, basketball camps in the summer, those types of things,” Davis Gordon said. “But Aaron and I have always talked about how we really wanted systemic change and we really wanted to do something that was more lasting than just a giveaway. We talked a lot about his love for technology and my experiences with it and how the college dropout rate for Black males is 60%. It’s no wonder that the pipeline for Black, Hispanic and women to get into technology and then to stay in technology, remains small. There’s just so many things that block people from being able to participate in it.”

Said Gordon: “We’re just trying to show these kids there’s a different pathway than fiddling with microphones [in music] and dribbling basketballs, or dealing drugs and gangbanging. There’s other ways to break the generational curse.”


標籤: Aaron Gordon