對爐主鵜鶘砍下本季新高39分 Harden:在NBA這並不容易

這個賽季開打以來個人數據下滑不少,James Harden曾說過他的身體還沒準備好拿下30或40分,不過趁著今天對爐主鵜鶘的機會,大鬍子順勢找回狀態砍下本季新高39分還送出12次助攻,加上Kevin Durant繳出28分8籃板7助攻,籃網終場以120:112勝出。






籃網總教練Steve Nash則認為“耐心”是最重要的一件事。



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引用"I'm getting there," Harden said of him regaining his MVP form. "It wasn't going to take long. I mean, this is the highest [level] in the sport is the NBA, the most talented players in this world. So it's not going to be easy for me to just come out there and do what I do. It takes a lot of hard work to be playing at a point to which you guys have seen me play at.

"When I'm not scoring 30 points, when I'm averaging 18-some points, it's like, 'What's wrong with James?' It's pretty solid still. I've been playing so well and so extremely at another level to where you guys set standards for me, and I set standards for myself as well. For me, I just continue to work. I feel a lot better, and the work don't stop."

引用"Ummm, pray?" Harden cracked. "I'm just playing [around]. I mean, it's difficult. We're two unselfish basketball players. We're versatile. Obviously, Kevin is known for his scoring, efficient scoring, but he's also a willing passer, especially when there's double teams and things like that. It's difficult to guard him, and it's difficult to guard me, especially when we've got it going."

引用"We've got to be patient with him," Nets coach Steve Nash said when asked if Harden is back to full form. "It's still I think got some yards to go before he feels this way every night or feels at his best. There's the fitness, there's the rhythm, and then there's the confidence. For all those three things to come back, it does take time.

"He was great tonight. He's been really good the last week or so and trending in the right direction, but I don't want to get too carried away. Let's give him time to get his game back."
