八村壘參與練習回歸在望 關於球員體重變化的大學問
新賽季打出新氣象的華盛頓巫師傳來好消息,前鋒八村壘距離他重返球隊更近了一步,他昨天在MedStar中心正式參加了球隊訓練。根據NBC Sports報導,八村壘雖然沒有參加全場練習,但投籃手感看來相當不錯。
運動醫學專家Lucas Wymore博士表示,雖然八村壘身體沒有什麼特別問題,但有報導他體重減輕了因此還沒準備好上場,Wymore博士也提出了關於球員體重增減的重點。
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引用“Ideally a player gains lean muscle. He wants to gain weight in a way that should be more functional like when he is positioning himself for rebounds or posting up. Players shouldn’t just carry extra weight up and down the court. In addition to being a little bit slower in most cases, weight gain puts more stress across the joints.”
引用“The strength and conditioning program for a team helps players achieve their weight gain goals. But they also want these players to maintain good joint flexibility. Weight gain causes some loss of range of motion of the joints. At the same time, the players are continuing to work on some of their core strengths and things that will help support them over the course of an 82 game regulars season. If one wants to make sure you kind of maintain some of that core strength and stability in addition to you’re putting on the plain weight, AND playing effectively during practices and games, that is where it is important to be in “game shape.” It is the balance of all these things.”