贏一場的信心下一場就消失 Davis:最大的問題就是缺乏一致性

這個賽季的湖人似乎總是如此,好不容易拿下一場漂亮勝仗後就會遭遇一場讓人有些沮喪的敗戰。在LeBron James口中本賽季球隊最精采的贏球擊敗塞爾提克後,紫金軍團輸給了沒有Ja Morant以及Dillon Brooks坐鎮的灰熊。




引用Anthony Davis:“我們有些比賽會展現出一致性,有些比賽則沒有。對波士頓時我們做到了,今晚我們就沒有,它必須是一個更一致的東西,我們現在最大的問題就是一致性。我們在某些比賽並沒有按照我們應該打的方式進行,而對波士頓那場就打得很好。如果真的想爭奪冠軍,我們必須成為更穩定的團隊,這是心態問題。



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引用“We feel like it’s going to happen,” Vogel said. “We keep getting disappointed when we think it’s there, we think we’ve had that moment. Our biggest battle, our biggest problem this year is consistency. Once we take one step forward, we fall back and have a disappointing performance. We got to find a way to catch ourselves from that.”

引用“Some games we have (show consistency), some games we didn’t,” Davis said. “Tonight we didn’t, against Boston we did. It’s just got to be a more consistent thing. That’s our biggest problem right now is consistency. We come out certain games and don’t play how we’re supposed to play and games like Boston, we come out and play great. We have to be a more consistent team if we want to truly compete for a championship. It’s a mindset thing.

“We understand that we’re going to get everyone’s best shot,” Davis continued. “We can’t control misses or makes. But what we can control is our effort defensively. We try to hang our hats on being a top-five, top-three defensive team and we haven’t been. So, we have to change that quickly. Tonight was game 26, and we just can’t – I think we’re in sixth (in the standings) right now, a game-and-a-half, two games out of fourth — we can’t keep taking a step forward and two steps backwards. We have to fix it quickly.”
