對Nunn未來回歸充滿期待 Vogel:他可以幫助到我們

自從10月底被診斷出骨頭挫傷後,Kendrick Nunn到目前為止已經錯過了他今年的大半賽季,根據最新消息指出,雖然還沒有明確的回歸時間表但似乎有些進度了。

引用湖人主帥Frank Vogel在周一的球隊訓練結束後說到:“他正在取得進步。他在球場上能做得更多了。Vogel補充提到他剛剛和與Nunn訓練過的助理教練談完話。“看起來肯定越來越接近我們需要他的部份,除此之外,我們仍然沒有時間表。




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引用“He’s making progress. He’s doing more on the court,” Lakers head coach Frank Vogel said after the team’s 11th practice of the season on Monday.

Vogel added that he had just finished to talking to one of the assistant coaches who worked with Nunn, and added that Nunn “definitely looks like he’s getting closer to where we need him” to be before returning to the floor.

“We still don’t have a timetable on it other than to say he’s getting close,” Vogel added.

引用“We’ve got to throw him into the mix and see what he looks like in our system before we can make any real determinations of what his role is going to be,” Vogel said. “But we love what his game is. To shoot the three, to playmake in the pick-and-roll game, and also to be a second-side attacker when you’ve got Bron, Russ and AD with the basketball. He’s a talented young man, and somebody we really think can help us.”
