一再被對手逆轉勝 綠衫軍主帥Udoka:球隊缺乏韌性
看著全場紐約球迷為RJ Barrett的絕殺球興奮不已,做為對手的塞爾提克上下都不好過,不只是因為被對手無情絕殺掉一場比賽而已,要知道他們在半場可是領先多達16分啊。
更讓人垂頭喪氣的是這是本賽季部段重演的故事,每一次的逆轉男主角幾乎都是對方,綠衫軍總教練Ime Udoka認為這是球隊缺乏韌性。
引用Udoka對記者說: “會在那些逆境中掙扎是為缺乏心理韌性,這是全面性的,一次又一次的防守失誤。”
雖然球隊有傷兵以及受到疫情波及的問題,但這是多數球隊都碰到的,當然無法以此做為藉口,在隊上算是資深的Marcus Smart也認為球隊需要做出改變。
引用Smart:“我只想打籃球。每支球隊都知道我們總是在尋找Jayson Tatum和Jaylen Brown,每支球隊都被訓練和研究如何阻止他們。我認為所有的球探報告都是在迫使他們將球傳出去,但他們不想傳球,而這是他們將要學習的東西。”
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引用"It's a lack of mental toughness to fight through those adverse times," he told reporters. "But it's across the board, a missed shot, a defensive mistake here."
He was also asked how to fix the mental-toughness concerns and said: "It's guys getting rattled when it's not the end of the world. You still got a 12-point lead and you gotta end that run. You got to know time and score."
引用Marcus Smart told reporters things needed to change when he said: "I would just like to play basketball. Every team knows we are trying to go to Jayson and Jaylen and every team is programmed and studies to stop Jayson and Jaylen. I think everybody's scouting report is to make those guys try to pass the ball. They don't want to pass the ball and that's something that they're going to learn."