Simmons陣營再放風聲 Rivers:我認為他是個好孩子會處理好事情

在76人多次重申強硬立場後,最近關於Ben Simmons的交易傳聞並不多,但這齣長篇肥皂劇還是有了更新。週二下午,ESPN的王牌記者Ramona Shelburne釋出一份來自Simmons陣營的報導,在這篇文章中,有些內容可能會激怒到某些人。

引用例如:“根據接近Simmons人士的消息來源,他對Joel Embiid將上賽季季後賽失利歸咎於他感到不安,而Simmons並沒有因為Embiid在 2019年時對戰多倫多暴龍的糟糕表現而責怪對方。”


引用“根據接近Simmons人士的消息來源,他對Embiid將上賽季季後賽失利歸咎於他感到不安,而Simmons並沒有因為Embiid在2019年時對戰多倫多暴龍的糟糕表現而責怪對方。但Simmons對去年夏天在洛杉磯訓練時,Doc Rivers沒有來找他感到沮喪。


難道這個意思是總教練光打電話不夠誠意?需要與球團代表親自去找Simmons才能與其溝通?這似乎有點.....另一位記者Tom Moore採訪了Rivers,想聽聽當事人之一對這件事的反應。





回到現實面是76人在沒有Simmons的情況下並不差,這讓老闆或是總裁總裁Daryl Morey更能夠好整以暇長期抗戰。Rivers在少了一名核心的處境下有目前成績應當得到稱讚,但難為的是做為一個夾心餅乾也只能謹慎發言並等待最終結果。

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引用“According to sources close to Simmons, he’s upset that Embiid blamed him for last season’s playoff loss, when Simmons did not blame Embiid for Embiid’s poor showing against the Toronto Raptors in 2019.”

引用“According to sources close to Simmons, he’s upset that Embiid seemed to blame him for last season’s playoff loss, when Simmons did not blame Embiid for Embiid’s poor showing in the playoffs against the Toronto Raptors in 2019. He’s frustrated that Rivers didn’t come to see him while he was training in Los Angeles last summer.

Simmons doesn’t dispute that he didn’t reply when Rivers texted and called him several times over the summer asking to see him. But in hindsight, Simmons feels Rivers and the Sixers could’ve done more, like show up at a well-known gym in the San Fernando Valley where he was training.”

“It’s all posturing. That’s why you haven’t heard me – I don’t get involved in all that stuff. I’ll leave that up to the front office and Ben’s camp. I’m staying out of that part. But, listen, some of this stuff I laugh at and I feel bad. I think Ben’s a good kid. I want Ben to do well.”

引用“We need people to tell us the truth,” Rivers said. “Unfortunately as a coach in the NBA, I have to do it a lot. I’ve accepted it as a coach over the years. Some handle it well (and) some don’t.”
