籃網3月10日將前往費城踢館 Green: 如果Simmons出賽我會很驚訝

三屆NBA冠軍Danny Green已經是聯盟中的資深球員了,由他來評論前隊友Ben Simmons、Seth Curry和Andre Drummond的轉隊交易再適合不過。Green在自己的播客節目中談到一段“有趣的關係”,以及關於3月10日這一天,那是籃網來到76人主場比賽的日子。

引用Green: “我還沒有機會和那些傢伙交談,但我知道當Ben在費城與Drum和Seth同隊時,他們的關係並不是最親切的,所以我想知道現在這種關係如何。”



籃網總經理Sean Marks昨天表示,Kevin Durant和Simmons很難在接下來的“3.4天”內做好準備,但他們都在進步中。而從今天到3月10日的那場比賽,Simmons屆時要上場似乎並不牽強,但他是否適合在一個充滿敵意的環境中出賽是更好的問題。




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引用Green: “I haven’t got a chance to talk to those guys yet, but I know they weren’t on the most cordial terms when he was in Philly with Drum and Seth [Seth Curry and Andre Drummond]. So I wonder how that relationship is now.”

引用Green: “Now will we shake hands to start? Probably not. First, I’d be highly surprised if he even plays in that game. I don’t know where his health is mentally, physically, I know he had other issues, and we all know he does not like to play in Philly. If he does play in that game, I’d be highly surprised. But say that does happen, I see it as being a very hectic, playoff-like atmosphere and environment to where it may be very rough for him.... I don’t have any ill will toward the guy, I don’t hate him I don’t dislike him, it’s just for me, it’s whatever. I waste more energy going out of my way to dislike him, or spend energy trying to go out of my way to hate him or do things to him. If he comes up and shows love, I’ll say what’s up, that’s the type of deal I’m on. I’m not the type of guy to not say what’s up to people that say what’s up to me.

Green: That’s it, let bygones be bygones. I understand you have a mental health issue, I understand you don’t want to play where you want to — whatever it is, you did what you needed to do to make better for you in your life. That’s cool. Do I think you could have handled it better? For sure, because we had nothing against you as teammates, still have nothing against you.... But it all depends how that game goes, how he interacts in that game, how well he plays or how cleanly or not cleanly, he or us plays, against each other is gonna determine how we shake hands.”
