下季好好再來!溜馬官宣T.J. Warren確定將缺席剩餘賽季

一個不是太意外的新聞,印第安納溜馬官方宣布,前鋒T.J. Warren確定將缺席剩餘賽季。

引用籃球運營總裁Kevin Pritchard:“球團的指導原則將始終以對球員健康為中心去考量,並優先考慮他們的整體利益。在過去的14個月裡,T.J. Warren非常努力的與他的隊友一起參與場上活動,同時應對著這類傷病帶來的許多挑戰。然而,經過與TJ及其代表的深思熟慮後,已確定此時最有利的方案是讓他專注於2022-23賽季。我們將繼續為TJ提供所有必要的關懷、支持和資源,以確保他能回到高水平比賽狀態中。”

Warren去年開季只打4場就因左腳應力性骨折整季報銷,最早在9月27日的媒體日,總教練Rick Carlisle當時還說著:“希望這只是幾周而不是幾個月”。之後也曾傳出最快1月份復出,沒想到最終T.J.就這樣又錯過了整個賽季,也等同失去在合約年展現身手的機會。

憑藉著聯盟第5差的戰績,在只剩下12場比賽的情況下要T.J. Warren在這季回歸確實沒有意義。距離他在奧蘭多隔離園區超人般的表現已經過19個月了(場均26.6分6.3籃板2.4助攻),向來在例行賽戰績穩定的溜馬在這段期間只有57勝87負表現。


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引用“Our organization’s guiding principle will always center on a holistic approach to our players’ health and prioritizing their overall well-being,” said Pacers President of Basketball Operations Kevin Pritchard. “T.J. Warren has worked incredibly hard over the past 14 months to get to this point – a full participant in on-court activity with his teammates – all while navigating the many challenges that accompany this type of injury. However, after thoughtful conversation with T.J. and his representatives, it has been determined that the most beneficial course of action at this point is to allow him to focus on the 2022-23 season. We will continue to provide T.J. with all the care, support, and resources necessary to ensure he returns to the high-level of play to which he’s accustomed.”
