反猶風波一時難以平靜 McCollum認為Irving不了解自身行為的嚴重性

先是老闆與聯盟主席發聲,接著是球隊祭出禁賽處份,然後是球鞋贊助商暫停合作。雖然Kyrie Irving最終正式道歉了,但這起反猶風波似乎一時難以平靜,紐奧良鵜鶘後衛也是球員工會主席CJ McCollum也提出了自己的看法。





在最近各界抨擊Irving爭議的聲音中很少是現役NBA球員,Robin Lopez是第一位發聲的球員,他轉發了一篇譴責這位籃網球星的文章。另外LeBron James也公開提到,他希望前搭檔能夠理解自身行為“對很多人造成了傷害。”

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引用The Kyrie Irving antisemitic film controversy has been rocking the NBA headlines of late. NBPA president CJ McCollum finally weighed in on the matter after the scandal had taken several turns, including the suspension of the Brooklyn Nets star.

The New Orleans Pelicans guard believes that what’s important is that Irving is not repentant after his Instagram post on the matter, via ESPN:

“He’s displayed empathy now,” McCollum said. “I think this is a learning experience in which I don’t think he understood the magnitude of the movie because he didn’t watch it. I don’t think he understood the magnitude of the people that were affected, how they were impacted and how fast hate can spread and how this can snowball.”

“It’s safe to say that we know that Kyrie and all of us — me specifically, I can speak for myself — specifically condemn antisemitism in any form,” CJ McCollum continued. “I am specifically against it. I specifically believe in promoting equality, diversity of inclusion.”
