看LeBron挑戰歷史總得分紀錄 Wade:我肯定是他在比賽結束時讀取的第一條訊息

LeBron James從來不被認為是個專門的得分手,尤其在生涯早期關鍵時刻經常選擇傳球而遭致不少批評。“喔,LeBron啊,只會靠天賦得分,但他不敢承擔關鍵投籃啊”,這樣的聲音在騎士時期的前幾年不絕於耳。

雖然這個觀點有一定道理,畢竟LeBron是那種傳球第一的球員。但隨著一年又一年過去,從坦克切入到中距離翻身跳投再到三分線外,沒有人會說LeBron不是得分手了,因為他即將打破Kareem Abdul-Jabbar保持的NBA歷史總得分紀錄。

Dwyane Wade是James傳奇生涯的第一手見證人,無論是曾為隊友還是在場邊觀看比賽的狂熱好友,他都是LeBron標誌性職業生涯的最前排觀眾。來聽聽他怎麼形容好兄弟的生涯表現。

引用Wade:“如果我要在任何事情中提到LeBron James的名字,我就不能使用驚訝這個詞。我認為有時候我們活在LeBron James時代,還沒有機會退後一步看看它。當我們退一步看它時,它會變得比現在更好,因為他所做的一切。當我這樣說時,我並不是在代表他說話,但我會以與他相處很長時間的人的身份發言。在籃球場上他不是一個自私的人,但我覺得如果有一項記錄是LeBron想要帶走的,不是助攻記錄那就是得分記錄,這是因為人們說他做不到,對吧?

如果有人已經習慣了所有朝他拋出的負面情緒,那一定是LeBron James,這是他多年來學會處理的事情。




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引用“I can’t use the word surprised if I’m going to say LeBron James’s name in anything,” Wade said, via Chris Mannix of SI. “I think sometimes we’re living in the LeBron James era of life, and we haven’t had the chance to step back and look at it just yet. And as we step back and look at it, it’s going to get even better than it is right now with what he’s done.And so I’m not speaking for him when I say this, but I will speak as someone who spent a lot of time with him. He’s not a selfish individual on a basketball floor. But I feel that if there is one record that LeBron wants to walk away with more than the assist record, it would be the scoring record. And it’s because of what people say he cannot do, right?”

引用” Wade continued. “At least if I can’t be there on the day that he does it, I hope to be somewhere in front of a TV, and I’ll definitely be one of the first text messages that he reads when the game ends.”
