談KD缺陣影響 Irving:我不認為每晚攻下50分是一個不切實際的期望

當Kevin Durant因傷缺陣後,布魯克林的鎂光燈就落在了Kyrie Irving身上。好吧,他昨天晚上做到了這一點,他在對戰猶他爵士的比賽中砍下賽季新高的48分,帶領籃網取得KD受傷後的首場勝利。


引用Irving:“我不認為 [每晚得到50分] 是一個不切實際的期望,我得到了 [教練] Jacque的信任,能夠在關鍵時刻有所發揮。我們已經開發出一種在比賽與比賽之間不斷發展的對話,所以這讓我在第四節很有信心能夠以這種方式呈現出來。”




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引用“I don’t think [50 points nightly] is an unrealistic expectation,” Irving said, only half-joking, via Brian Lewis of the New York Post. “I have the trust from [coach] Jacque [Vaughn] to be able to make plays down the stretch. … We’ve been able to develop a dialogue that continues to grow game-to-game. So it gives me a lot of confidence in the fourth quarter to be able to perform that way.”

引用“I talked about just getting out of my own way and really thinking team first and put my body on the line and leading by example. … When I could get it going on defense and do the little things, it really makes a difference for me and I’m dialed in,” said Irving.

“That’s the foundation of us growing throughout this process is me getting out of my own way and allowing the other guys to help. …The ups and downs are going to come and go, but we have to stay poised and consistent. And it starts with me showing up every day and leading by example, and putting my body on the line and doing whatever it takes to win.”
