即將打破歷史總得分紀錄 LeBron以1998年大聯盟全壘打熱潮來比喻

在昨天洛杉磯湖人對印第安納溜馬的比賽結束後,LeBron James數據欄填上26分7籃板7助攻,在NBA歷史總得分榜與Kareem Abdul-Jabbar僅剩63分差距。


“我認為這是體育界最偉大的記錄之一,它與棒球全壘打紀錄不相上下,是你從未見過或認為永遠不會被打破的記錄之一。Hank Aaron已經保持了很長時間,然後你看到Sammy Sosa和Mark McGwire等人開始挑戰。就像是'哦,伙計,這件事真的可能發生。然後你開始真正觀察並關注它,你看到Sammy或McGwire上場揮擊,你會想,‘他們每次都有機會擊倒它。’”

在他生涯的第20個賽季,38歲的LeBron場均得到驚人的30.2,這比他職業生涯場均得分還高出3.0分。週二在麥迪遜花園廣場,他還超越了Mark Jackson和Steve Nash,成為NBA歷史總助攻榜的第4位。


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引用“I think it’s one of the greatest records in sports in general,” said LeBron. “I think it’s up there with the home run record in baseball. Just one of those records that you just don’t ever see, or think, will ever be broken. And then you end up seeing guys — Hank Aaron had had it for so long, and then you see the likes of (Sammy Sosa) and Mark McGwire and those guys start climbing that. It was like ‘Oh, man, this thing could really happen.’ And you start really watching it and paying attention to it, and you’re seeing Sammy or Mark McGwire go up to bat and you’re like, ‘They got a chance to knock it out every single time.'”
