與Doncic合作至今戰績不如預期 Irving認為是自己想太多了

在Luka Doncic和Kyrie Irving一起打的比賽中,達拉斯獨行俠的戰績已經跌至1勝4負 ,這引發了人們對這組搭檔和球隊未來的擔憂。Irving知道現在事情並不順利,但他強調這是他們的“磨合期”,肯定會有些問題需要解決。







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引用“Absolutely. That’s why I said I’m human, and coming into this, again, I would love to play well every single night,” Irving said when asked about the transition process of joining an offense centered around one player, per Callie Caplan of the Dallas Morning News.

“I was just texting with my dad and he’s my biggest fan, one of my harshest critics. But he’s always been honest, and I appreciate that because he’s been watching me play for a long time. He just told me to stay aggressive. It looked like I was overthinking out there, and I was just telling him like, ‘Yeah, we have new lineups. I’m playing with new guys out there. It’s an adjustment period.’ As much as I would love to play well, it doesn’t happen as often as you would like. But I think moving forward, when I can ease kind of my own burdens or overthinking, I think things will naturally flow.”

引用“Right now, it’s just a high-intensity environment. I can feel it. Everybody wants to win, and that’s a great thing. Everybody cares, but now we just got to figure out what our temperament is, what our emotions are,” Irving added.
