聯盟邀請頂尖新秀參加總決賽活動 Banchero分享心得與冠軍預測

NBA決定在丹佛金塊和邁阿密熱火的2023年總決賽做一些有趣的事情,聯盟日前邀請了2022屆的頂級新秀參加 了總決賽媒體日,並在隔天觀看比賽。

參加活動的有印第安納溜馬新秀Bennedict Mathurin、猶他爵士Walker Kessler、奧克拉荷馬雷霆Jalen Williams和奧蘭多魔術狀元Paolo Banchero。

這幾名球員參加了媒體日的所有過程,包括新聞記者會、賽前分析,甚至是一對一友誼賽表演。Banchero 還接受了ClutchPoints 的Tomer Azarly訪問,談到參加活動的心得以及對於冠軍賽的預測,甚至是奧蘭多過往偉大中鋒的比較等等。







Azarly:你是魔術的球員,所以我得問你的選擇是Dwight Howard或Shaquille O'Neal?

Banchero:這有點難,因為Dwight Howard非常棒。嗯。他們都進入了總決賽。我必須讓Shaq略勝一籌,因為他有很多記錄,Dwight也有一些記錄。但我認為Shaq做為一名新秀更快的統治了比賽,所以我選擇Shaq。

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引用Tomer Azarly: Paolo Banchero is here at the NBA Finals. What’s the vibe like in the short time you've been here?

Paolo Banchero: I mean the energy is crazy. This is my first time ever being in the Finals or at the Finals and you can just tell how much the energy is different here. The fans are way louder, it’s a way bigger production. All these cameras and media, it’s definitely a place you want to be.

TA: How did this whole thing start in the first place? Who invited you?

PB: The NBA reached out and I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity. Like I said, I’ve never been to an NBA Finals, so when I heard I was gonna have the chance to come to a game and do all this, I definitely wanted to do it.

TA: What are your quick thoughts on these NBA Finals between the Nuggets and Heat.

PB: It’s a great series. I think it’s gonna be back and forth the whole way. I’ve been saying Nuggets in 7, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Heat won as well. *This interview was conducted before Game 4, when it was a 2-1 series.

TA: You’re a Magic player so I gotta ask you: Prime Dwight Howard or Prime Shaquille O'Neal from their Orlando days?

PB: Oh I mean… Orlando days? That’s a little harder because Dwight Howard was pretty freaking good. Um. They both got to a Finals. I have to give the slight edge to Shaq because he has a lot of the records also Dwight does have some records as well. But I think Shaq came out dominating quicker as a rookie, so I give it to Shaq.
