多倫多的新實驗 暴龍數量驚人前鋒海力戰群雄


這一切的改變為何而來?先把時間倒回到2020年季後賽對塞爾提克,暴龍教練團每晚都清楚看到一個問題。Kemba Walker不斷利用擋拆來攻擊他們的大個子,Serge Ibaka和Marc Gasol無論在換防或退回禁區時陷入兩難,禁區守護神反倒成為對方取分的提款機。

來到系列賽第6戰,暴龍實驗性的做出調度,OG Anunoby與Kyle Lowry、Fred VanVleet、Norman Powell、Pascal Siakam一起上場。原本這是需要追分時的小球陣容,但讓人意外的是在該場比賽末期以及後來的第7戰得到意想不到的收穫,塞爾提克的進攻被掐住了,他們的檔拆碰上移動敏捷的機動陣型毫無用武之地。

因為這個變化,暴龍總管Masai Ujiri在年終記者會上還說到:「在比賽後,我們談論的一件事是我們在打小球陣容時取得的成功。」但或許是還擔心面對有傳統中鋒球隊時的因應不同,暴龍在該年休賽季還是簽下了Aron Baynes和Alex Len兩個傳統長人。

雖然晚了一季,也可能是上賽季的失利讓暴龍決定放手一搏,這從他們在選秀會選擇Scottie Barnes就能看出端倪。即便有Anunoby與Siakam這樣的鋒線絕對主力,現在又以第4順位選進Barnes,擺明就是要組成以多前鋒為主的先發陣容。

這在NBA並不算是首開先例,金州勇士在巔峰時期有許多關鍵時刻就是主打小球,由6呎6吋的Draymond Green擔任中鋒,這樣的特殊做法幫助他們贏得了三屆總冠軍。然而,勇士這個陣容是有特殊時段限定的而並非常態,但暴龍看起來則是吃了秤砣鐵了心,就是要以一般鋒線的身高來應付任何球隊。


總教練Nick Nurse執教以來,暴龍一直是防守獨特的球隊,他們總是能夠很有侵略性的包夾對手側翼球星並造成失誤,而現在的陣容更可能的是將這股壓迫用在對方的每個位置上。


老將Goran Dragic也對球隊的組成感到驚訝,他說從來沒看過這麼多具備頂級身體和運動天賦的球員在同一隊。「如果你把Dalano Banton放在控球後衛位置,他的身高是6呎7吋,然後另一個後衛是OG。當Pascal回來時,你還有Precious Achiuwa和Khem Birch,而且他們的臂展都很驚人。」

當然球隊還是需要VanVleet控場,而他也因為要加入轉換防守而可能需要面臨比他高出一個頭的進攻者,對於個子不高 VanVleet來說是一項艱鉅的任務,但他有信心認為這不成問題。



歡迎追蹤專欄或FB專頁 04看世界

引用“That’s the evolution of basketball,” said Raptors rookie Scottie Barnes who spent his college days at Florida State where the Seminoles are also at the forefront of this switch-everything defensive evolution. “Having those versatile players that can do everything and being able to pass, to finish, score, shoot the ball. It's the evolution of basketball. What it’s becoming.”

引用“First of all, we believe in ball pressure. We believe in trying to get into the basketball and we think that letting people handle the ball with freedom and ease is not something we want to do,” Nurse said on Raptors media day. “We want to try to be disruptive. As usual, I think that we will be.I think all the kind of same sized guys a lot of the times gives you a lot more switching to do and that goes along with switching to disrupt, not just switching to slide along, but switching to get in there and jar the ball loose and change patterns and cut offenses off and things like that. And I also think that all the length should enable us to play a lot more zone.”

引用“It’s definitely different. If you put Dalano [Banton] at the point guard, he's what, 6-9. That's a problem,” Dragic said Tuesday. “Then the two guard is OG, and then when Pascal gets back, you’ve got Precious [Achiuwa], Khem [Birch], and it's a lot of length.”

引用“I already play big so that’s not really an issue for me,” VanVleet said Tuesday. “I’m telling you, I don’t notice it. I’m so crazy in my head, everybody is the same height. It hurts me sometimes but for the most part, I don’t notice it. … To me, I learned how to play defense at an early age so it’s not really about how tall you are. How good are your feet are, how good are your instincts, and what’s in your chest?”
