不敵勇士和其他爭冠勁敵 Nash坦承籃網目前還不是同個層次

籃網今天在主場迎戰聯盟龍頭勇士,Kevin Durant面對昔日隊友首節還能與Stephen Curry分庭抗禮,但來到第三節被轟出35:18的比分後等同繳械,勇士最終以117:99帶走勝利,也將聯盟最佳戰績提升到12勝2負。

上半場大多數時間還頗有東西區強權對決的味道,Andrew Wiggins投進壓哨三分球後幫助球隊取得63:58領先。來到勇士最擅長的第三節,一波8:0攻勢將領先拉開到雙位數,籃網雖然靠Harden連拿5分試圖咬住,但勇士外線全員開火,包含Green顏射KD以及Igoudala又一記壓哨球,雙方差距拉開到22分之多。

籃網現階段整體狀態明顯不如對手,同時他們本季已經輪番輸給公牛、熱火、公鹿等爭冠勁敵,總教練Steve Nash坦承目前籃網與這些強隊還不是同個層次。



引用James Harden:“我們只是想在每場比賽都變得更好,我們的目標是在賽季結束時,在季後賽成為最好的球隊。這就是目標,但我們可能還差得很遠,這是一個漫長的賽季,我們會繼續進步。”








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引用"Well, I just don't think we're in that category yet," Nash said, after Brooklyn was blown out in the third quarter despite Stephen Curry sitting for the majority of it with foul trouble. "We got a lot of work to do. We're trying to improve as a group, get better and hopefully we can find a way to overcome some of our deficiencies by the end of the year."

引用"We're just trying to get better every game," Nets star James Harden said after finishing with 24 points, four rebounds and four assists. "The goal is to be the best team at the end of the season, in the postseason. That's the goal. But probably not [there yet]. We're probably nowhere near. But it's a long season for us to get better, and we will continue to get better."

"We have to find our identity," Harden said. "We're still a brand-new team, so we still have to find out what we're good at, what we're great at, what we can be great at, and it's gonna take a long season. But we're, what, 14, 15 games in? So tonight's game doesn't really affect us at all. I don't think anybody knows themselves well. Maybe the Warriors, because they've been together for a long time."

引用"It was a combination," Durant said in explaining his shooting woes, adding his recent bout with soreness in his right (shooting) shoulder did not factor into his off night. "They played great defense, they've got long defenders and guys that can help, sending bodies all the time when I had the ball. That's what great defenses do. And there's some shots I wish I could have back. I rushed it. Once we got down 18 or 20, I was trying to get it back so fast and was taking bad shots and rushed shots. It's all part of the journey and understanding what level you need to be at every possession. This was a great test for us."

引用"I think the guys have been great as far as buying into what we want to do defensively," Nash said. "No one would have picked us as a top-10 defense to start the year, and we're defending, we're finding a way. I think offensively we have all these different lineups, different backgrounds, styles of play, 10 new players on our team. It takes time.

"We started the year with a continuity plan from last year that got thrown out the window obviously when [Irving] didn't come back, so we're trying to build and figure it out. But we played a really good defense. It really tests you. And I think tonight was a great lesson for us that we got to double down on some of our principles when the going gets tough."
