Curry又一次擄獲客場球迷的心 Kerr:這就是偉大的意義


這是連續第2場比賽,Stephen Curry單場轟進9記三分球,同時他又一次得到客場球迷的MVP歡呼聲。Curry在今天對騎士的比賽第四節獨攬20分,帶領球隊克服前三節13分的落後,單節36-8的比分讓勇士逆轉勝出並將聯盟最佳戰績推進到13勝2負。

引用勇士總教練Steve Kerr:“他是歷史上最偉大的球員之一,他是有史以來最偉大的三分射手。他無球移動的方式是這麼強壯和流暢,他完全理解比賽而且無所畏懼。Curry總是能夠像著火一般火燙,雖然很神奇但我並沒有感到震驚,因為他一直都是這麼做的。”

連續2場看到Curry既是日常卻又瘋狂的演出,但他其實是帶著髖部傷勢上場的。Curry在前一場對籃網時與James Harden發生碰撞時造成左髖挫傷,這可能會讓他缺席下一戰對底特律活塞的比賽。



引用Draymond Green:“我們需要他那麼做,而他做到了。這就是為什麼他是Curry,這就是為什麼他是這個聯盟的MVP,這也是為什麼他多年來都一直是這支球隊的代言人,並帶領我們取得巨大成功。”

另一位隊友Juan Toscano-Anderson則以前世界拳王做為比喻:“這就像是一場街頭鬥毆,而Mike Tyson站在你這邊。當然你會對這個世界充滿信心,因為你知道Tyson正在擊倒其他人。我在賽季開始前說過Curry是世界上最好的籃球員,所以當你跟他同一隊時,你就會充滿信心。”





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引用"He's one of the greatest players in the history of the game," Warriors coach Steve Kerr said after the game. "And he's the greatest 3-point shooter of all time. And the way he moves off the ball, he's so strong and fluid and he understands the game on and off the ball. And he's fearless. So you throw all that together -- and he's always capable of catching fire like that. As amazing as it was, it didn't shock me because this is what he does."

引用"I'll get an assessment," Curry said, while discussing whether he'll play on Friday. "That charge really messed with me a little bit, so I'm just trying to deal with that a little bit. So we'll see how it feels when I wake up."

"We needed him to get going like that, and he did," Warriors forward Draymond Green said. "That's why he is who he is. That's why he's the MVP of this league. That's why he's been the face of this franchise for years and has led us to so much success."

引用"It's like you're getting into a street fight and you've got Mike Tyson on your side," Warriors forward Juan Toscano-Anderson said. "Of course you're going to have all the confidence in the world because you know Mike Tyson is knocking people out. When you've got the best basketball player in the world, and I said this before the season started, I think Steph Curry is the best basketball player in the world, so when you've got him on your team, that gives you all the confidence."

引用"I appreciate it," Curry said. "I don't think about it too much. It is very reminiscent of '14-18 where we had a lot of support and a big following showing up to road games and all that. You want to feed off that and give them something to cheer about throughout the game, or else they're just coming out and you've got a bunch of Warrior mannequins just sitting down, watching. You want to give them something to actually get excited about."

引用"Nothing surprises me anymore," Kerr said. "And yet I'm amazed if that makes sense. It's still incredible to watch, but you sort of expect it. That's what greatness is about -- where you want to see it, fans come to see it, and then you sort of expect something to happen and then he does it and you're just in awe. You're amazed. He's a special player, special person."
