被小孩看扁成為動力 Green找回對比賽的熱愛和快樂


這樣勢如破竹的氣勢不但讓球迷看得開心,就連球員也跟著興奮起來。相較上季提不起勁的感覺,跟著球隊一起找回狀態的Draymond Green就表示他再次找到了「對比賽的熱愛和快樂」。






引用總教練Steve Kerr:「我認為Draymond Green是世界上最好的防守者,他本賽季開局的表現讓人難以置信。他有滿滿的動力,每個晚上都非常投入在比賽中。」

引用勇士隊後衛Jordan Poole說: 「過去2年有點艱難,我認為他真的有這樣的感覺,但我們回來了,我們有機會真正做到這一點。尤其是那些有經驗的老將,他們知道這需要什麼,我認為他們從第一天起就做得非常好,試圖讓我們處於最佳狀態。」




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引用"I've just kind of found that love again," Green said following the 119-104 victory. "Kind of go through a lot of s--- and the love kind of wanes a little bit. But I've just found that love and joy for the game and I'm just enjoying playing basketball and controlling what I can control. A point of emphasis for myself this year was simply to control what I could control.

引用"My son is getting older, my oldest daughter -- she's 7 now -- they kind of get on my ass if we lose," Green said. "So that's motivation. And I think for me also, I've been s--- the last couple years, so my kids don't really understand how good I am. And I want them to see how good I am so they'll have an understanding. And so that is motivation for me. When I was playing at the top of my level, which I'm getting back to that now, they were like 3 and 1, so that is motivating for me to play well in front of them so they have an understanding of what I do.

"And most importantly I want to win, I want to be a Defensive Player of the Year again, and I want to be an All-Star again. And that is motivating me because a lot of people had counted me out. Same mistake people made before when I first came into the league -- but a lot of people doubted me, and doubted me again. And that's fuel to the fire."

引用"I think Draymond Green is the best defender in the world," coach Steve Kerr said. "I think he's had just an unbelievable start to the season. He's so motivated. He's so engaged every single night."

引用"I think he knows as well as everybody else that we go as far as he goes, as far as Steph goes and the rest of our vets," Warriors guard Jordan Poole said. "The last two years have been a little bit rough and I think he really gets the sense like, 'All right, we're back.' And we got a chance to really do this. And especially the guys with experience, they know what it takes and I think they're doing a really good job from day one, just trying to put us in the best possible situation to be ready for that."

引用"I take better care of my body today than I ever have," Green said. "I don't drink really anymore like I used to. I used to go after it a little bit. I'm 31 years old now so I try to do all the necessary things to make sure my body is in shape and ready to go. Lifting more than I ever have."

"I wouldn't necessarily say surprised that it's going well, but a little surprised that it's going as well, as fast as it is," Green said. "Everyone talks about our schedule, there's some truth to that. I think we haven't had the toughest schedule in the world, but you can only play who they put out there in front of you, and I think regardless of who we're playing we're handling our business the way it should be handled, so I feel good about it, our team feels good about it. We have a lot of confident guys; we got to continue to get better, though. We got a long ways to go."


標籤: Draymond Green  Jordan Poole