
有的時候我們經常看到媒體問出無比尖銳的問題,有的球員據實以告,但多數球員選擇含糊帶過,其實這是一種關於“對等”的邏輯關係,什麼意思呢?我們就以Russell Westbrook做為例子,來讓大家明白為什麼球員沒有義務要把所有內容昭告天下。

在加盟湖人之前,曾經有媒體報導Westbrook想回到洛杉磯,其實是對於和Kawhi Leonard在快艇合作有興趣。有鑑於先前後者曾經傳出招募Paul George一起組隊成功,有不少人相信有這回事,不過當時面對相關詢問時,Westbrook直接否認並告訴巫師總經理:這是見鬼了嗎?
























“我在為我說話,我不知道其他人在做什麼。我與任何媒體都沒有關係,他們會來找我並說著“Russell,我有你的消息來源。” 但那不是我會做的,現在你們知道了。”



“你可以問。不過,這關於你問的方式,你從哪裡得到消息,這是很重要的。你怎麼問是不同的,它非常直接......(不要)在問題中放一堆廢話。這有很大區別,你很直接的問我,'嘿,你知道duh duh duh嗎?很簡單,我可以告訴你‘沒有’,或者我可以自己保密。”






“我同意,但問題在於它通常不是這樣運作的。有一次,某個人報導了一些事,但是誰報導的?Ramona報導了一個關於 Kawhi和我的故事,但我從來沒有和Ramona說過話。對吧?就像我可以和Kawhi說話,我可以和PG說話,我可以和任何人說話,但他們也可以說'好吧,我也從來沒有和他聊過任何事。''










歡迎追蹤專欄或FB專頁 04看世界

引用On the PG front, before he ended up with the Clippers, there was some reporting that you had some interest maybe in joining up with Kawhi, and I’m just curious how as you look back at that situation, and how you think that story has kind of played out for the two of you since that moment?

“Reports? Reports from who?”

I think there were a couple of different reports over this summer that you had maybe had some conversations with Kawhi, and that was used to maybe facilitate PG coming to the Clippers.

“I know. You didn’t tell me where they were from.”

Like what outlets?

“Yeah, I want to know who you got it from.”

I think there was an ESPN report, there was an Athletic report, it’s been out there.

“I know. From who though?”

I don’t have the...

“Ahhh, then I don’t have an answer for you, neither. You can’t tell me who you got it from, then I don’t really know.”

So is that not true?

“I asked you who you got it from, you can’t give me an answer, right? So you’ve got to find a different question.”

That was a different question!

“Well, sorry for you.”

Was it true?

“Where did you get your question from? Who is your source?”

I got it from reading about the NBA.

“OK, and who did they get it from? Do you know?”

They got it from the people they talked to.

“And who was that?”

For all I know it was you! Was it you?

“(Laughs) Nah, I don’t talk to the media, it can’t be me.”

Were you interested in coming to play with Kawhi here?

“Man, listen, I never sit back and call anybody. I sit back and wait, and figure out if somebody wants to play with me, and then cool, that conversation can happen. But those private conversations that are had, I keep that to myself, so I have no answer as it pertains to that.”

引用“You asked me a story based off a story that someone else had written, but you don’t know where they got it from, or you don’t know if it’s true.”

I would say that the erosion of relationships directly between athletes and reporters has made this awkward.

“I’m talking about for me, I don’t know what nobody else do. I have no relations with no media outlet where they come to me and go ‘here, Russ, I got a source for you.’ That’s not what I do, and now you guys know that.”

Like I said, I think that’s where, like people speak for you or speak around you and that’s what happens.

“I don’t let nobody speak for me. If you don’t hear it from me, don’t go with ‘the source said.’ Sources will get you in trouble.”

Don’t you think it’s fair that now that reports are out there, that we come to you and ask?

“You can ask. It’s how you ask it, though. It’s how you ask the question. Where you get it from. That’s very important. How you ask it, it’s different, it’s very direct... (Don’t) put a bunch of bullshit in the question. There’s just a difference. You ask me very direct, ‘hey, do you know duh duh duh?’ Simple, I can tell you ‘nah,’ or I can keep it to myself.”

To be fair, you didn’t really answer (the original question).

“I didn’t, and he didn’t answer mine, either. So, if he don’t know where he got his question from, then I guess I don’t know anything either.”

It’s just like, as we deal with agents and stuff like that, that’s where this shit happens.

“It’s just important that you know where your sources of information are coming from. I understand that there are a lot of sources.”

I would say that if there were more conversations like this, (it would be better).

“I agree, but the problem is that’s not how it works. One time, this person reports something, like who reported it? Ramona reported a story about Kawhi (and I). I never talked to Ramona. Right? Like, I can talk to Kawhi, and I can talk to PG, I can talk to anybody, and they can say ‘well I never talked to her neither.’’

Well, it’s like telephone...

“That’s my point. So that’s why you can’t come to somebody if you do not know it’s actual facts.”

But if somebody came to you though, a reporter came to you and said like ‘I have heard this,’ what would you say?

“I would ask you from who.”

And then what if I told you?

“Well then I’m going to say ‘I don’t know that person.’ I’m gonna tell you the truth.”

What if Kawhi told her?

“I doubt it (laughs). Like I’m saying, me and Kawhi are cooler than somebody else, so that’s what I’m saying.”
