Westbrook開始找回自己 化被動為主動越打越來勁

雖然只是一場擊敗塞爾提克的例行賽,但LeBron James一句:這是湖人本賽季打得最好的比賽,似乎讓這場勝利延伸出更多後座力。當然三巨頭同場發揮是球迷所樂見的,但也有Charles Barkley那樣潑桶冷水的人,湖人能不能在本季拿到6連勝沒人知道,但Russell Westbrook在洛杉磯越打越順手是個事實。



但過去的8場比賽開始有了變化,Westbrook場均繳出23.5分6.9籃板8.9助攻,讓人驚喜的是一向糟糕的命中率提升到50.4% / 36.4% / 72.4%。很明顯的是他在籃下的終結能力回到過往水準,然後伴隨更多的無球跑動,前者讓他的進攻效率形成良性循環,後者則是有效破壞了對方的防守同時也為隊友帶來更多機會。

還有一個數據的改善直接幫助了球隊,原本場均接近5次失誤降低到近5場的3.2次,或許還有進步空間但起碼從讓人搖頭進步到可以接受的程度。隊友Anthony Davis認為這樣的改變其實很簡單,現在的Westbrook打球才像是原本的他自己。


引用“我認為Russ在季初有點被動,他當時試圖讓其他球員一起參與,有很多傳球…我們只是想告訴他:做你自己,不要試圖成為別人。當你越有侵略性,就越能為其他人打開空間。直到最近的7-10場比賽,他非常非常有侵略性,當他這樣做時為其他人的投籃打開了空間。今晚看到他就是處於攻擊模式,這就是你必須做的。每場比賽前,我都會告訴他“做你自己”。這就是我們把他帶到這裡的原因,成為Russell Westbrook,而不是其他任何人。”

“我們只是希望他做自己,富有侵略性的Russell Westbrook。這是我們因此而交易你來的原因,一但他這麼做了,其他人都會學會如何環繞著他打球。”








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引用“I think at the beginning of the year Russ was a little bit passive,” AD said after the Lakers roasted the Boston Celtics, 117-102, partially thanks to Westbrook’s 24 points (9-of-16 FG) and 11 assists. “He was trying to get guys involved, pass the ball…We were just trying to tell him: ‘Be yourself. Don’t try to be anybody else. The more you’re aggressive, the more it’ll open up for everyone else.’ As of late, last seven, 10 games, he’s been very, very aggressive. And when he do that, it opens the floor for everyone else, as far as shooting. He’s just been on attack mode. You saw tonight, he went on a stretch in the third quarter where he just went downhill and finished and that’s what you gotta do. Before every game, I tell him ‘Be yourself.’ That’s why we brought him here — to be Russell Westbrook and not anybody else but that.”

“We just want him to be himself, be aggressive,” Davis said at the time. “Be Russell Westbrook. Be the reason why we traded for you. Once he do that, everybody else will learn to play around him.”

引用“Pace and paint-attack. Obviously, the energy he plays with is always good for your group. But he’s relentless at attacking the basket.” Vogel said when asked what’s been the most reliable element of Westbrook’s game. “If he’s touching the paint and making great decisions when he gets there, he gives us a lot of offensive support.”

引用“That’s who I am,” he said. “What I bring to the table. That’s what my teammates need from me. I want to be able to share my engine, my spirit with the rest of the fans, the rest of the world, and have fun while doing it. This game is something I don’t take for granted. So while I’m playing it, I like to have fun while doing it.”
