
由於Kyrie Irving和Kevin Durant仍在健康安全協議名單中,於是在聖誕大戰中我們只看到籃網三巨頭的其中一人出賽,但整季打來有點低調的James Harden在這天爆發了。

全場包辦36分10籃板10助攻的大三元幫助球隊擊敗了湖人,上一個能在聖誕節繳出35分大三元的是誰?Oscar Robertson。


籃網主帥Steve Nash提到Harden在賽季初的掙扎,來自於休賽期間的腿筋傷勢、對於新規則的熟悉度、以及Irving不在的情況下需要承擔更多的後場責任。







回顧一下Irving在上個賽季的進攻效率有多迷人:場均上場34.9 分鐘砍下26.9分(聯盟第9)、4.8個籃板、6.0次助攻和1.4次抄截。他成為NBA 歷史上第5位場均得分至少25分,同時投籃三圍來到50/40/90的球員,也是繼Stephen Curry後第2位後衛能達到這個高門檻。
球評Jalen Rose在節目中也認為Irving將會為籃網帶來決定性的幫助。

引用“這肯定會奏效,在沒有Irving參與的情況下,他們已經是東區頭號種子。現在你讓Irving回來了,這會減輕 KD的壓力,他已經是MVP級別的球員,他也可以幫助Harden。如果Irving穿上制服……這確實將讓他們成為我最看好的東區冠軍。”

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“I think it’s been a bit of a challenge for James. The hamstring last year was unfortunate, missed a lot of time and spent the entire summer trying to get over that. He came into the season without the regular conditioning and ramp-up, so there’s a lot thrown at him,” said Steve Nash on Harden’s season thus far. “He had to get himself in shape and first off, get himself healthy, in shape, find his rhythm, his confidence and adjust to a whole new team without Kyrie and 10 new players.

“There’s been a lot thrown at him and he’s continued to progress, get better and then obviously, the latest COVID interruption he had. So he starts fresh here today. Overall, really pleased with his work to get back and to continue to improve throughout the season, and he can still get better. We know that. He’s eager, loves the game and he’s been working on it.”

引用“Obviously, we all know how special of a talent Kyrie is and what he means to this organization and our team. So just to be around him, even if it’s only for road games, will be huge for us,” said Harden following the Nets’ 122-115 victory over the Lakers Saturday. “He obviously makes all of our jobs a lot easier.”
引用“I’m not sure about the day-to-day and how he’s handling quarantine, but I know that once he comes out of protocols, he’ll definitely be able to start training, start ramping up and being available for road games,” said Nash on Irving. “It’s really waiting for him to clear and getting him into a program of regaining that fitness and basketball conditioning. He’s an incredible player and a quick adaptor if there is any. I think he’ll handle that pretty well.”

引用“It is definitely going to work,” said Rose. “Stephen A. said why. They are already the No. 1 one seed without Kyrie Irving participating. Now you get Kyrie Irving back, and that takes pressure off KD, who is already playing at an MVP level, and it can ignite James Harden… Kyrie Irving does now make them my favorites to win the East if he’s in uniform.”
