連5名先發缺陣的灰狼都打不贏 綠衫軍從教練到球員都洩氣

前一場比賽先盛後衰敗給公鹿後,波士頓塞爾提克總教練Ime Udoka才說過球隊在第四節的崩盤看來就像是自己放棄勝利,而這已經是本賽季不斷重複出現的結果,無論在芝加哥或克利夫蘭的賽事都發生過。

昨天客場挑戰灰狼是個把勝率扳回五成的大好機會。雖然由於健康安全協議而缺少Jayson Tatum、Dennis Schröder、Josh Richardson3員大將和幾名角色球員,以及因手部受傷而錯過的Marcus Smart,但至少有Jaylen Brown坐鎮並有Al Horford與Grant Williams回歸。

灰狼那邊更慘,本賽季最常見的5名先發:Patrick Beverley、D’Angelo Russell、Anthony Edwards、Jarred Vanderbilt和Karl-Anthony Towns全數缺陣,無論技術或經驗怎麼看都是綠衫軍佔盡上風。但結果還是一樣沒變,塞爾提克在上半場取得56:45的雙位數領先,第三節被追到個位數,然後在決勝節防線再次崩盤。


賽季場均只有6分的3年級生Jaylen Nowell從板凳出發砍進6記三分球轟下29分,你絕對沒聽過的中前鋒Nathan Knight上場不到30分鐘就以11投8中拿到20分11籃板的雙十,二年級生Jaden McDaniels攻下生涯新高17分,就連很久沒出現在NBA的Greg Monroe都輕鬆繳出11分9籃板6助攻2抄截1阻攻的數據。


現在每支球隊或多或少都因為疫情影響到戰力,有的球隊掌握住機會提升戰績而有的球隊卻相反,就最近比賽來看塞爾提克真的需要檢討一番。再次強調灰狼這場比賽上場的球員中,只有Malik Beasley和McDaniels是原本輪替陣容中的成員,所以將這場敗仗形容為本季最糟一點都不為過。



身為本場唯一堪稱球星等級的是Jaylen Brown,但他並沒有成功接管戰局。雖然拿下26分另有10籃板4助攻,但全場24投僅8中還發生了6次失誤,賽後他也承認自己表現並不理想。






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“It was an opportunity for them tonight to show that they can play and the things they can do,” Al Horford said postgame. “They really took advantage of that.”

引用“One of the poorest losses of the year. A team that is depleted as we are just out-hustled us late in the game. And very undisciplined effort overall.”

引用“We have to look in the mirror at ourselves individually and as a team,” he said. “Right now, this is who we are... It’s not good enough. What we’re doing and the things that we want to accomplish, we can’t do it playing like this. We just can’t.”

He continued: “I believe, as professional athletes, we all have a job to do. Coach addresses certain things. He shows us things we need to do. But at the end of the day, as an individual player, you have to take pride individually and look at yourself in the mirror and see how you can be better at things you need to do. It has to be something that has to be consistent. At the end of the day, you have to hold us accountable. All of us are out there. We have to be held accountable and we need to be better.”

引用“Undisciplined defensively. Off-ball switching was an issue we got carved up there, something we’ve been doing decent-to-well all year. And lack of communication there, so defensively that hurt. Undisciplined shot-taking as well… The off-ball defense was glaring.”

引用“A lot of those turnovers came from miscommunications,” Brown said. “A lot of those defensive lapses came from miscommunications. That’s just what it comes down to is chemistry and things like that. We didn’t play well today. I didn’t play well today. I let my team down for sure.”

He continued: “The game isn’t as hard as I made it tonight and I didn’t play the way I know I can play. That was probably one of my worst games of the season as well. My team needed me to make plays and step up and I turned the ball over too much. I missed easy shots, easy reads, and we lost.”
