
Zach LaVine的合約在芝加哥悄悄的進入倒數計時,對公牛管理層來說這是值得全神貫注完成的大事。

自 Arturas Karnisovas於2020年4月擔任籃球運營總裁以來,公牛可以說是聯盟最具發展性的球隊。從2021年季中交易來Nikola Vucevic,接著在去年夏天網羅DeMar DeRozan和Lonzo Ball,加上從湖人手中搶走Alex Caruso,這一切作為幫助公牛成為東區炙手可熱的勁旅。


如果LaVine本賽季能夠以場均24.6分4.9籃板4.5助攻的數據進入NBA最佳陣容,那麼他將有資格在獲得一份5年約2.45億美元的超級頂薪合約。NBA中只有少數26歲或更年輕的球員擁有這樣的身價:Luka Doncic、Donovan Mitchell、Jayson Tatum等人。


















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引用DeMar was talking with the Lakers guys pretty thoroughly. You were recruiting him behind the scenes as well. I was told DeMar partly wanted to head back East with an eye towards returning to the All-Star Game. What were your conversations like with him this summer, and when did they begin?

During the Olympics it did, and then obviously everything came to fruition after that. Obviously I knew he was definitely in talks with the Lakers and probably a couple of other teams. I'm just happy that we got him.

引用While you were in Japan?

While I was overseas, yes. There were some nights, I called him one night at like 3 a.m. because of the time change, just to talk to him about how everything was going on with free agency and how we could make it work. And when I came back, we got together. Obviously the signing happened, we started working out together in the offseason, and we both came to Chicago early because it's a pretty new team. Pretty much everyone's new on the team. We started off really early on in the process. I think that's why we have such good chemistry.

引用Did Lonzo's situation come together the same way?

Zo's situation was a little bit different, because his was a sign-and-trade, but the same thing. Obviously after he signed, we contacted each other about getting in the gym. We've known each other since UCLA already and just got together and got started working on building this team back to where it should be.

引用How important is getting into that postseason environment with this group and making a deep run with these guys before your upcoming contract negotiations?

For me, it's not even about my contract. I'm a competitor. I want to go to the playoffs and play on the big stage. Contract, everything, that all comes. But I look at it day by day. You can't get to April in a day. You're gonna have to play and compete each and every day to get there, and then once the playoffs come, we gotta go do our thing. You know I'm really excited. I'm really excited to be on that stage, because I haven't been there yet.

引用The coaching staff and the front office were really talking about how you were really talking about wanting to commit defensively this season. Was that just a mindset switch? Was that watching tape with somebody on staff? What steps did you tangibly make to improve in that regard?

I'm just trying to improve my game. The Olympics this year helped me because we each had to play a role essentially. Everybody on that team scores 25, 26 points per game. We're not all gonna be able to do that on that team. So I really locked in and tried to be the wing defensive guy, pick up guys full court, get steals, take charges, get blocks. Whatever it was just to help the team win and obviously just implement that into the next year. Because you're gonna have to sacrifice a bit of yourself to gain success as a team.

引用Was there a moment when you believed you could be that guy to shoulder a team through the playoffs?

Yeah, that's what you work for. Obviously we haven't made the playoffs and we're on track to do that now. But I go into the offseason each and every year trying to put my team in those positions and I'm glad that we're on track to do that now.

引用Guys like Caruso and DeMar who have made deep runs, what's been their message about how to continue to move this thing forward?

You just gotta be consistent everyday and have championship habits. Each and every day you have to have a goal in mind and get to that mindset of we're building for something. It's not just, "Oh, we won or lost this game." You have to have championship habits each and every day. I think everybody's a lot more locked in, a lot more vocal. Through shootarounds, scripts, after games, guys talk about what we could've done better or what we did well and could still do adjustments on. That's definitely a little bit different.

引用From the outside, people around the league were really skeptical of this roster's fit. DeMar and Vuc both like to work out the high post. You and DeMar both like to create with the ball in your hands. Was there kind of a mind-melding effort, a collaboration on what your offense was going to look like, how all the pieces could come together, and sort of defy the doubters?

I think we came into camp early and we're allowing everybody to do what they do best. We're not getting in each other's way. There's no one on the team that has a selfish bone in their body. We've all sacrificed a little bit of something for the greater good, and I think everybody's eating from it.
