很多人都認為所謂“心理因素”只是藉口 但你真的瞭解Simmons嗎?

或許沒有太多人相信Ben Simmons過去不為76人出賽的理由真的是如他所說的心理問題,但《Sports Illustrated》的Julie Kliegman最近才出版了關於運動員心理健康的書籍,她認為與其他曾受過相關原因困擾的知名運動員相比,Simmons所受到的待遇似乎不太公平。

Kliegman將Simmons與網球界的大坂直美和體操界的Simone Biles進行了比較,他們都在去年退出了比賽,甚至還提到了在2018年深受抑鬱症所苦的DeMar DeRozan。


引用Kliegman:Simmons的情況有點像某種考驗,我們對那些公開談論自己心理健康的運動員的潛在訊息關注了多少?之前的公開討論,特別是過去一年中關於Naomi Osaka和Simone Biles的討論,不就是向我們表達有時人們只需要休息或換個環境?


引用“首先,怎麼會有人知道他是不是在‘假裝’?誰在他的大腦裡?誰是他的心理學家或他的精神科醫生?我們都不是。所以,我認為我們需要讓他從懷疑中得到幫助,就像我們對Naomi Osaka和Simone Biles等其他運動員所做的那樣,有很多人認為他在‘假裝’是不公平的。”

事實上,就連前東家76人的總經理Daryl Morey也公開在電台節目表示,他認為Simmons的問題是合理的。後者也籃網的新聞發佈會上說到,他的問題與費城球迷無關,與來自76人球團內部的批評無關,甚至與76 人對他徵收的近2000萬美元罰款無關。


當然這沒有阻止來自費城的一些談論者持續批評,如同當地電台名人Howard Eskin或報社編輯Matt Mullin所說的這樣。


同樣的情況在紐約也發生,WFAN的Evan Roberts和ESPN的Chris Carlin都暗示Simmons是在“假裝”。但Kliegman認為Simmons離開費城是正確的選擇,尋求幫助只能靠自己,而76人球團並不會特別指照顧他的狀態而是以球團利益為唯一考量。





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引用Simmons’s situation is somewhat of a test: How closely have we been paying attention to the underlying messages of athletes who speak out about their mental health? Did previous public discussion, particularly over the past year by Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles, not show us that sometimes people just need a break or a change of scenery?

Not everyone—in sports or not—can afford those opportunities, but those who can should take them. And if those at the peak of their professions take a break, then maybe the rest of us can eventually follow their lead and work to set boundaries for ourselves, too.

引用“Of course, it’s tough to know anyone’s individual situation, None of us know him personally although some fans may feel like they do.”

引用“First of all, how does anyone know if he’s ‘faking?’ Who’s inside his brain? Who’s his licensed psychologist or his psychiatrist? None of us are. So, you know I think we need to give him the benefit of the doubt here just as we have done with other athletes like Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles. Dwayne Johnson, Dak Prescott, so many other people. It’s not really fair to think he’s ‘faking’.”

引用“A bunch of things that were going on over the years, I wasn’t myself,” Simmons said. “Being happy, taking care of my well-being. It wasn’t about the basketball, it wasn’t about the money.”

引用“So much for Ben Simmons mental illness,” tweeted Philadelphia radio personality Howard Eskin. “Amazing how that was just fine once he got traded. Insulting to those that really suffer.”

“If Ben Simmons is suddenly ready to play for Brooklyn after weaponizing his mental health as an excuse to stay away from the Sixers, I’m going to have some thoughts,” tweeted Matt Mullin, a soon-to-be Philadelphia Inquirer editor. “Some very angry thoughts that will be hard to keep to myself.”

引用“From what I’ve heard is that it’s a little tricky because of course they’re grateful that the resources are offered, but at the same time, it’s not always the best resource in feeling that your private thoughts and health issues are staying private. Seeking an outside resource who’s unbiased, who’s unaffiliated with the team, who has no vested interest in your productivity is often a better choice for athletes as far as I’ve heard.”

引用“I would like to see him celebrated,” said Kliegman. “On the journalist part, I’d like to see them talk seriously about how in or out of shape he seems, The mental part doesn’t seem super relevant unless he’s on the court making all sorts of mental errors. Then maybe it comes up, but I’d like see us focus on him like we do with any other athlete coming back from a break.”

“As long as Ben Simmons is active and playing, I think there is a way that we can do better by him, just asking questions that are genuine and not with the assumption that he’s faking, that he’s lazy or that he just wants his money. So, it’s a fresh start for him in Brooklyn. So why can’t it be a fresh start for us in covering him as well?”


標籤: Ben Simmons  費城76人  DeMar DeRozan  NBA  心理