Miles Bridges真的有麻煩了!洛杉磯地方檢察官正式提出家暴重罪指控

打出生涯年的Miles Bridges這下子真的有麻煩了!

洛杉磯地方檢察官George Gascon正式宣布對NBA夏洛特黃蜂前鋒Miles Bridges提出指控,後者日前因涉嫌對妻子Mychelle Johnson施暴而於6月29日因家庭暴力罪被捕。

根據Gascon的聲明,Bridges被指控“一項傷害兒童父母的重罪和兩項在可能導致重大人身傷害或死亡的情況或條件下虐待兒童的重罪” ,他在被捕後以130,000美元的保釋金獲釋。






根據TMZ Sports報導,Johnson告訴執法部門她和Bridges在6月28日發生了爭執,最終演變成肢體衝突,Bridges當天就離開了該地區但在6月29日向當局自首。

夏洛特黃蜂當時在他被捕消息傳出後發表了一份聲明。“夏洛特黃蜂知道關於Miles Bridges的情況,我們正在收集更多資訊, 目前不會有進一步的評論。”



在逮捕的消息傳出前,黃蜂在6月下旬向Bridges提供了一份合格報價,根據長期擔任NBA記者的Marc Stein後續說法,黃蜂並沒有在7月13日截止日前撤回該報價。

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引用"Domestic violence creates physical, mental and emotional trauma that has a lasting impact on survivors," Gascon said.

"Children who witness family violence are especially vulnerable and the impact on them is immeasurable. Mr. Bridges will be held accountable for his actions and our Bureau of Victim Services will support the survivors through this difficult process."

引用"I hate that it has come to this but I can't be silent anymore. I've allowed someone to destroy my home, abuse me in every way possible and traumatize our kids for life. I have nothing to prove to the world, but I won't allow anyone who could do something so horrible to have no remorse and paint a picture of something I'm not. I won't allow the people around him to continue to silence me and continue to lie to protect this person. It's unethical, it's immoral, it's truly SICK. It hurts my heart because I've always had hope, and so much love and as scary as this is for me to do it's time I stand up for myself. I won't be silent to protect others anymore because I value myself and my kids more than anyone's 'image.'

"A fracture nose, wrist, torn eardrum, torn muscles in my neck from being choked until I went to sleep and a severe concussion. I don't need sympathy, I just don't want this happening to anyone else, I just want this person to get help, my kids deserve better. That's all i want. It hurts, everything hurts, this situation hurts, most importantly I'm scared and hurting for my kids who were witness to everything. Please respect my families privacy and stop with the disgusting rumors and allegations."


標籤: 夏洛特黃蜂  Miles Bridges  NBA