雙胞胎的命運牢不可分 Bridges和Johnson分享從被交易到籃網的心路歷程

對於Mikal Bridges和Cam Johnson來說,這是動盪無比的幾天,他們兩人與Jae Crowder、4個首輪籤、1個首輪籤互換被交易到了布魯克林籃網。

當Kevin Durant休賽季喊出賣我時,鳳凰城就是他的目的地,他也在交易前再次告訴籃網高層心中首選就是加盟太陽。KD在2020年東京奧運期間與明星後衛Devin Booker建立了密切的關係,Bridges和Johnson當然聽到了謠言,並且清楚如果太陽扣下交易扳機就很可能會被送走。

交易截止日前一天早上,也是美國東部時間凌晨1:00左右,ESPN的Adrian Wojnarowski率先報導這筆重磅交易讓NBA陷入了瘋狂。Bridges和Johnson此時正在在巴克海特酒店準備太陽與老鷹的比賽,他們的電話開始響個不停。

引用Bridges:“我只是在我的iPad上想放鬆一下。Damion Lee打電話給我,你聽得出來他沒很高興。他就像是說,‘兄弟,對不起。’ 我很困惑,'你在說什麼?' 他說,‘你剛剛因為KD被交易了。’”









“那個賽季的幾個月後,我們的老隊友Deandre Ayton給我們娶了這個綽號。因為我們一起做所有事情,3年半後,我們堅持了下來。”




這對雙人組現在加入了另一對在截止日前被交易到布魯克林的隊友:: Spencer Dinwiddie與Dorian Finney-Smith。這4人都將與Nic Claxton一起成為球隊先發陣容,這可能是聯盟中最強大的防守組合之一。



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引用“I was just chilling on my iPad. Damion Lee called me and he was upset, you could tell,” Bridges said. “He was just like, ‘Bro I’m sorry.’ I was so confused, like. ‘What are you talking about?’ He said, ‘You just got traded for KD.'”

Bridges was in disbelief. He checked Twitter and there it was.

“Right after I got off the phone I called Cam,” he said. “I asked, ‘Where are you? What room are you in? I’m coming up there.'”

引用“We kinda knew,” Bridges said. ‘There were a lot of jokes, especially in the summer when KD wanted to come here and we knew the pieces who might be the ones that were gonna go. And us two were the main two.”
“We always joked around and said at least we got us. And it happened, and still to this day, it’s like, at least I got my twin with me. That’s how it goes.”

引用“From that point on, basically everything we did, we kind of did together,” Johnson said. “We worked out together, we chilled off the court together, we ate, watched film, whatever it may be.”

Their teammates took notice and the duo was assigned a nickname: The Twins.

“A couple of months into that season, our teammate – our old teammate – Deandre Ayton gave us the nickname,” Johnson said. “Because we do everything together. And three and a half years later, we’re stuck with it.”

引用“I just want to say, the feeling that I’ve gotten, the excitement, it indicates that we’re all in,” Johnson said. “We’re all in on being a part of this organization and a part of this city and taking the same things that we’re known for around Phoenix and bringing them here.”

“On and off the court, just bringing that love and excitement,” Bridges said. “If you kinda follow me just a little bit, I’m always high energy, having fun, and I’m the same way off the court. So just tryna show this city just who I am.”
