遭球迷言語攻擊和死亡威脅 Curry跳出來聲援Westbrook

Stephen Curry決定跳出來聲援近日與球迷發生紛爭的Russell Westbrook,Curry告訴雅虎體育的Chris Haynes,他為Westbrook在洛杉磯湖人的比賽中保持鎮定而感到自豪:






Westbrook在湖人正處於一個悲慘賽季中,低迷的表現經常成為失望戰績的代罪羔羊,Nina Westbrook說她和家人因此收到球迷的死亡威脅。

引用Curry:“從球迷的角度來看,當它越過屆攻擊某人或攻擊他們的名字,而不是僅僅侷限於籃球時,這是一種 XXX。但歸根究柢,你需要做你必須做的事情來為自己發聲,並給予那些聯盟中正在發生這類事情的人尊重,Westbrook絕對有我的支持。”

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引用“I told him when we played them in L.A. a couple of days ago that I respect how he’s handled the whole year just in terms of everything he’s been saying and how he’s been handling himself and protecting his family. He’s a professional, and I’m proud of the way he’s conducting himself and I’m there for him.”

引用"I 100 percent stand behind my wife and how she’s feeling, because it’s not just about this year. Right now, she’s reached a point, and my family has reached a point, to where it’s really weighing on them. And it’s very unfortunate just for me personally because it’s just a game. This is just a game. This is not end-all, be-all. And when it comes to basketball, I don’t mind the criticism of missing and making shots. But the moment it becomes where my name is getting shamed, it becomes an issue.

I’ve kind of let it go in the past just because it never really bothered me, but it really kind of hit me the other day. Me and my wife was at a teacher-parent conference for my son, and the teacher told me, she’s like, 'Noah, he’s so proud of his last name. He writes it everywhere. He writes it on everything. He tells everybody, he walks around and says, 'I’m Westbrook. Westbrook, that’s my last name.' And I kind of sat there in shock. And it hit me, like damn, I can no longer allow people–for example, Westbrick, to me, is now shaming. It’s like shaming my name. It’s my legacy for my kids. It’s a name that means more, not just to me, but to my wife, to my mom, my dad are the ones that kind of paved the way for me. And that’s just one example.

I mean, that kind of hit myself and my wife in a place where it’s not great, man. And I think a lot of times I let it slide, but it’s now time to put a stop to that and put it on notice. There's a difference, and we need to make sure it’s understood. And every time I do hear it now, I will make sure that I address it and make sure that I nip that in the bud."

引用"The fan perspective, it is kind of B.S. when it crosses the line in terms of attacking somebody personally, their name, and not keeping it to just basketball," Curry told Haynes. "That’s why we’re all here is because of basketball. But at the end of the day, you have to do what you have to do to speak up for yourself and also understand that the guys that know what’s going on in this league respect the type of player he is. Russ definitely has my support."
