猶他州近期通過極具爭議性別法案 Silver表達2023年明星賽續辦立場

NBA總裁Adam Silver週四表示,雖然猶他州最近通過了一項極具爭議性的法案,但還沒討論或決定將2023年在鹽湖城舉辦的NBA全明星賽轉移陣地。

根據The Athletic 的Mike Vorkunov的報導,猶他州上個月通過一項HB11法案禁止跨性別運動員在他們認同的性別劃分中參與學校體育運動。





HB11最著名的反對者之一是爵士隊老闆Ryan Smith,他上個月發表過聲明稱爵士球團“反對歧視性立法”。如果2023年全明星賽最終如期在猶他州舉行,將是自1993年爵士球星Karl Malone和John Stockton共享MVP 榮譽以來首次在鹽湖城舉辦全明星賽。

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引用"Every situation is unique. ... It's our collective view that we can continue to operate in Utah, and frankly don't want to be in a position where we're chased from state to state around the country. Times have changed. There are different issues going on now in the country than there were in 2017. I personally don't like the trend. We also are mindful as a league that we look for opportunities to unite people rather than divide them."

Silver added: "We're going to have to find a way to work in that environment and create an inclusive environment for our game rather than take the position that we have somehow an independent ability to change the minds of the voters of Utah in this."
