DiVincenzo帶著冠軍資歷加盟勇士 Green:他是一個知道如何打贏比賽的人

金州勇士休賽期在自由球員市場上失去了一些關鍵的輪換球員,不可否認的是,他們必須找到人手來取代像是Gary Payton II、Otto Porter Jr.、Nemanja Bjelica、Damien Lee和Juan Toscano-Anderson這樣的球員。

朝著這個目標邁出的一步是成功簽下了曾經的NBA冠軍隊成員Donte DiVincenzo,雙方簽下為期2年價值930萬美元的合約。

DiVincenzo並不是明星球員,但他能為勇士帶來了很多元素。Draymond Green最近分享了他對這新成員加入感到興奮,因為他相信這位6呎4吋的得分後衛可以在下個賽季為勇士做出不小貢獻。

引用Green:“勇士簽下了Donte,我認為這是一個很好的選擇。尤其是在失去Gary Payton II後,你增加了另一個可以防守的側翼球員。




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引用“Warriors also signed Donte, which I thought was a great pickup,” Green said on his podcast The Draymond Green Show, via Tristi Rodriguez of NBC Sports. “Steph [Curry] and I definitely put the full-court press on Donte, and understanding how important that addition is. With losing [Gary Payton II], you add another wing who can defend.

“Donte can shoot the ball, I think he’s going to get more open shots with us than he’s ever gotten. And that’ll be absolutely incredible. I think he’ll have an opportunity to show his athletic ability. I think this will be very good for Donte and I think this will be really good for the Warriors so I’m absolutely happy about that signing.”

引用“A guy who knows how to play winning basketball,” Green said. “He comes from the Milwaukee Bucks organization, obviously, he just was recently in Sac, but spent years in Milwaukee. He’s a champion, so I’m very happy with that signing. I thought that was an incredible move for us, and I think he will help us out tremendously.”
