談到如何防守Durant和Irving雙人組 Spoelstra:你真的無法對他們做任何事情
Kevin Durant和Kyrie Irving最近在布魯克林籃網的連勝中為點燃贏球火花,他們在過去19場比賽贏下其中17場,Durant和Irving在這段時間場均聯手攻下57.5分。
邁阿密熱火總教練Erik Spoelstra在今天對戰前被問到籃網雙人組的進攻才華,這位兩屆冠軍教頭表示Durant和Irving不斷追求進步的企圖心使他們與眾不同。
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引用“I’ve heard each of them talk about the art of basketball and I think that describes each of them well,” Erik Spoelstra said. “They just continue to elevate their craft. There’s great players in this league and then there’s great players that are a different level where you can’t really do anything to scheme against them.”
引用 “No one’s figured that out,” the Heat coach said. “How did he get to that point? I don’t know,Everything I’ve heard about him, even on a recruiting trip a long time ago, you knew he’s a gym rat and that he takes his craft very seriously. That’s not accidental that he’s developed that kind of touch. That’s countless reps and study of how teams have evolved to try to defend him and take different things away.
It also helps having that skill level when you’re seven feet tall and your release point is probably 7-5 in the air, there’s nobody that can take away what he wants to get to. you have to make his catches tough, you have to make the game tough, all the things that we want to do more consistently anyway.”