對Westbrook只有滿滿好話要說 George:是的 我想為他效力

Russell Westbrook在洛杉磯快艇找到了新家,在與洛杉磯湖人的難忘經歷之後,威少現在正在尋求開啟職業生涯的新篇章。無論如何,他在新球隊中會有很好的支持者,前隊友Paul George正是那個人。




引用George:“我告訴團隊關於Russ最瘋狂的一件事是他與團隊中的每個人都有著特別的關係,他會和Steven Adams談論紐西蘭的事情,像是橄欖球。然後他會和我聊釣魚,他會和Jerami Grant討論動漫。他與團隊中的每個人都有聯繫,無論你走到哪裡,你都會在球場上發生化學反應。這個傢伙真的很了解我,他真的很喜歡我。我想是見鬼了,是的,我想為他效力。我被收買了,我覺得那真的很特別。Russ是個領袖。”

不管球迷與球評們是愛他或恨他,但你不能否認Russell Westbrook是一個好隊友,至少對於Paul George來說是這樣的。

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引用“He is not what they’re painting him to be,” George said on a recent episode of his podcast. “One of the best teammates, one of the best human beings, one of the best friends. I remember in Oklahoma every day he was the first. I’ll sometimes try to beat Russ to the gym, and I’ll see his car parked. It’d be the only car too parked in our players parking lot.”

引用“The craziest thing what I told the team was one thing about Russ (is) that he had a special relationship with everybody on the team,” George continued. “He would have a conversation with [Steven Adams] about New Zealand stuff, rugby. And then he’ll have a conversation with me about fishing, and then he’ll have a conversation with Jerami Grant on anime. He had a connection with everybody on the team. Where you go, you get on the floor it was chemistry. This dude really, he really know me, he really rocking with me. I’m like, ‘Hell yeah I want to play for him. I’m bought in.’ I thought that was really special. Russ is a leader, man.”
