迎接休賽季的暑假作業 籃網可以向欠缺防守的老鷹推銷Simmons?


一位不願透露姓名的聯盟高管似乎認為這是一個可行的方案。在接受Heavy Sports的Sean Deveney採訪時,一位匿名消息人士談到了Ben Simmons和John Collins今年夏天互換球隊的潛在可能。

引用“籃網想要一些能得分的球員,而Collins能得分。但他們真正能做大事的唯一方法,就是能找到一個能得分的人,還有就是能為Simmons找到下家。沒有多少球隊會這樣做(交易),但亞特蘭大就是其中之一,因為你需要圍繞Trae Young建立一個防守組。


Simmons的健康狀況確實存在一個巨大的問號,尤其是再次因為背部傷勢無法參加本賽季後半段比賽之後。但健康時,Simmons能否與Young和Dejounte Murray一起組成三衛陣容?

至於籃網這邊,Collins能否解決他們缺乏前場深度的問題?下賽季他會成為Mikal Bridges的搭檔嗎?


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引用One unnamed league executive appears to believe that this is a feasible scenario. Speaking to Sean Deveney of Heavy Sports, the anonymous source talked up the possibility of Ben Simmons and John Collins swapping teams this summer:

“The Nets want some guys who can score, and (Collins) can score. But the only way they (the Nets) can really do something big, can really get someone who can score in there, is if they can get a taker for Ben Simmons,” the exec said. “There aren’t a lot of teams where that would make sense, but Atlanta is one of them, because you need to build a defensive group around Trae Young.

“Now, if you’re the Nets, you still have to convince Atlanta that Simmons wants to play. Obviously, that is the question around him right now.”
