賽季沒有按照76人希望的方式開始 但教練仍肯定Maxey火熱表現

2023-24賽季並沒有按照費城76人希望的方式開始,James Harden在客場對戰密爾瓦基公鹿的比賽缺席,最終他們吞下了一場勢均力敵的敗仗。但球迷與教練團還是有所收穫:Tyrese Maxey。


Nick Nurse為他設計戰術,Maxey也抓住機會。在經歷了艱難的第一節(2次犯規得2分)之後,Maxey某方面算是統治了剩餘比賽。能夠自主投籃並以流暢的傳球為Joel Embiid創造機會,對於這位年輕的後起之秀來說,賽季開局的一切倒是很順利。

但Maxey的傑出表現再加上Kelly Oubre Jr.的火爆投籃表現,後者11投9中攻下27分,他們都足以讓76人振奮起來,而Embiid則度過了一個糟糕的夜晚。



引用“Well, he got off to a super slow start obviously with the foul trouble. He was out early but we ended up being able to play him pretty much the rest of the game,” Nurse said in his postgame media availability. “I thought he did a great job of getting downhill and drawing contact and getting in the lane and all that stuff. He stayed aggressive. He didn't really have it going there for a long stretch and for him to bounce back and just kind of start get it going with everything — started making some shots, started making some layups, started getting hit a lot when he was driving. So, that was good.”

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