回應Harden交易案 Embiid:他得到了想要的也為他感到高興

在2023-24賽季的一開始,費城76人顯然沒有因為缺少James Harden而影響球場上的表現。Joel Embiid繼續承擔攻防兩端的重任,Tyrese Maxey也迎來了更大的飛躍,聯手幫助76人近期取得一波三連勝。


公平來說,Harden應該是Embiid合作過最好的搭檔,他的組織能力與大個子能完美搭配。當Embiid正式被宣佈為上賽季例行賽MVP 時,Harden送給他一只訂製款勞力士手錶並給了他一個大大熊抱。他們的化學反應只在一個完整賽季中顯現出來,後續的戲劇性分歧讓Harden決定掛冠求去。




至於76人交易Harden所帶來的回報,Embiid表示多年來他對Robert Covington、Marcus Morris Sr.和Nicolas Batum都很熟悉,但他並沒有過多談論到選秀籤,因為這部份是由管理層決定如何運用而不是他來處理的。

Embiid重申了他在媒體日時的立場,只要有他在,76人就永遠有機會獲勝。這支球隊在Nick Nurse的帶領下對新體系激發了不小信心,現在,球隊擁有更多的靈活性和資產來變得更好。


引用“I mean, I'm happy that the situation got resolved and I'm happy for him,” Embiid said of Harden getting the trade he requested. “He wanted it to happen. But it's all business. I'm happy for him. I hope he has the chance to succeed and make a lot of money and play good basketball and being able to win. Now, I hope we both make the Finals but, you know, he's on the losing side of it and we on the winning side of it. But I'm just, like I said, I'm happy for him. He got what he wanted. Unfortunately, there was a lot of misunderstanding between people that were mentioned but it's always good to see people happy and he seems to be happy.”

引用“In my opinion, I just feel like we allowed him to be himself and we gave him the ball every single possession because he is really good,” Embiid said. “I mean, he's an amazing player. Obviously, being that great of a passer, I think we just gave him the ball. If you watch again, we gave him the ball every single possession to just go out and do his thing and from there, he had to make decisions as far as getting guys open or looking out for himself. But I thought it did a pretty good job of just getting us into an offense, and not just passing the ball, getting guys open.”

引用“The only thing I care about is winning,” Embiid said. “That's my focus and I hope that we all on the same page 'cause that's all I want. The moment we're not on the same page, then that's a discussion for another day. But I think these guys want to win and we're gonna do our best.”

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