關鍵防守幫助球隊贏球 湖人隊友猛誇二年級小將Max Christie

洛杉磯湖人今天團隊齊心協力,他們克服了一系列包含傷病、失誤和LeBron James投籃不準的劣勢,在4場客場之旅首戰中以121-115擊敗了克利夫蘭騎士。

在Anthony Davis的32分13籃板帶領下,湖人有7名球員得分上雙,助攻數創下賽季新高。在眾多貢獻者中,沒有人比Max Christie更讓人感到驚喜。


最令人印象深刻的是,Christie在下半場補強了湖人的重點防守,尤其是面對Donovan Mitchell的兩次關鍵防守,後者下半場10投僅1中得到6分。


引用總教練Darvin Ham談到Christie說到:「這樣的比賽,他必須努力防守所有人。面對Donovan在比賽接近尾聲的時候,這是一個巨大的挑戰,而且是非常需要的。今晚他棒極了,賽後我們給了他一個大大的讚。這裡的每個人都在為他加油,知道他有多特別,……他已經準備好了。這孩子熱衷於他的比賽。」

引用LeBron補充:「當你得到教練的信任時,這會有所幫助。他知道會接到電話,已經準備好了,他站了出來在今天晚上表現出色。Donovan Mitchell是這個聯盟中最艱難的對手之一……我認為他做得很好,試圖讓身體緊貼著對方,讓他投出勉強的投籃,而且沒有犯規。」



湖人缺乏外線防守球員,Cam Reddish(腹股溝)、Gabe Vincent(膝蓋)和Jarred Vanderbilt(腳後跟)都因傷缺陣,Christie現在成為外圍大鎖的當然人選。

引用Austin Reaves:「只要有機會在比賽中留下印記,他就會這麼做,是因​​為他時時刻刻準備著,他從不走捷徑。」

引用“A matchup like that, all of those guys he had to try to defend. Donovan down the stretch toward the end of the game. A huge, huge challenge,” Darvin Ham said about Christie. “And one that's much needed. He was awesome tonight. We gave him a shoutout after the game. Everyone here is pulling for him, knowing how special he can be, how special he already is … He was ready to go. Kid works on his game feverishly.”

引用“When you're trusted by your coaches, one, that helps,” added LeBron. “Knowing that he's gonna get his number called, he's been ready. And he stepped up. He was big-time tonight. One of the tough matchups in this league is Donovan Mitchell, obviously, with his ability to score in all three levels … I just think he did a good job just trying to keep his body on him, make him take tough shots, not foul.”

“He got two big stops for us,” said Davis.” There's nothing much more you can ask for, for him only being in his second year and taking on that challenge. It shows a lot about him.”

“Whenever he has the opportunity to make an imprint on the game, he does,” said Austin Reaves (15 points, 10 assists). “Just because he's always ready. He never takes shortcuts.”

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