The catcher in the rye - J.D. Salinger

To fuck the world or to be fucked by the world, that is the question.
Though out the whole book, the boy like a crazy madman that kept complaining, keep nagging about how phony people are. All the things around are so fake, every bastard is pretending, everyone just act to be someone else. People don't even know who they are, what they love and what they hate, because they have get too used to pretending and acting and they have long got themselves lost, all they left was these phony little acting. They follow the norms, says what people say, love what people love and hate what people hate, they just pretend they know everything, indeed, they do not know one thing. They live in their lies, just to feel good; they don’t have the courage for the ugly truth.

People just pretend to love their life, which is so fucking phony; ask yourself, what do you hope when you go to school or go to work when you are sitting your ass in class or the goddam office? All you are doing is keeping your ear to the bell and your eyes on the watch. And you tell me that you love your lifes? Fuck me. You hate what you are doing, to be honest, when you go to school only hoping to leave, and going to work just hoping to rest.

But we do not admit it, because once we do, we can no longer continue with all the lies we told ourselves, we can no longer satisfy with the current life, so we continue faking, that's the reason why the boy in the book kept calling everyone a phony bastard, and indeed, we are, including the boy himself, the only differences is that, he know he is phony, but others don't, and pretend they aren't, that's even more phony! They pretend they know every shit, what worse is that they even give those phony advise or lecture on others, teaching others how to live, when they don't even know single bit about themselves.

i mean, that's what the book is about, and that's the style of the book, nagging, complaining and lot of F word; it’s not beautiful, but they are so real that made them so ugly. No phonies, no fake, to cove it up, just pain real. So if you don't like real ugly, don't read it, just go find so beauty fake.

But i love it, love it so much, I love how honest the confession is, I love how honest the boy is to his own emotion; and i love how the boy struggle to live real and honest to himself even when he is kept being fucked by the whole phony world. The world fucked him, and fucked everyone of us, and turn us into the same phony shit that pretend and act, do we still wanna pretend we are so happy when we are all being fucked up, just to escape to the pain? or are we going to stare at the pain as well as the phony fucking world and say fuck you to it?

5/12/2015 (Edited on 13/12 5:26am )
