C. J. McCollum: 我不認為自己是進步最大球員 我本來就很棒

來自SB Nation Blazer's Edge的報導,SiriusXM's "NBA Today"採訪了今季有出色表現的波特蘭拓荒者後衛C. J. McCollum,談到全明星投票時,CJ McCollum表示自已並不贊同通過投票來決定全明星賽的參加球員:「我對這種投票並不感興趣。粉絲數的多少會決定你能否進全明星,就算你這個賽季打得一般,你還是能通過高人氣進全明星。」「但是有些小市場球隊的球員,或者一些名氣不大的球員,在賽季中打出全明星級的表現,他就無法入選全明星賽。」
引用"I’m not a fan of the voting because the voting isn’t always indicative of performance on the court or team performance, so I’m definitely not a fan of that. I think, depending on your following, you could have a mediocre year and still get voted in to the All-Star Game, whereas a deserving player could be in a small market or just maybe doesn’t have a big name but he had an All-Star worthy year, he doesn’t get the nod."
目前的全明星賽票選中,CJ McCollum排在了西岸後場的第14名。今季他交出了場均21分4.3助攻,44.6%投籃命中率和40.4%三分命中率的成績。比起上賽季的場均6.8分1.5籃板有了長足進步。在拓荒者今季近乎被解體的情況下,CJ McCollum稱職地扮演了Damian Lillard身邊的最佳副手。被問到今季有機會競逐年度最佳進步獎時,CJ McCollum表示:「我真的不認為自己是全聯盟進步最大的球員,我始終覺得我一直是一個很好的球員,有些時候只是角色和機會的不同」
引用"I don’t necessarily think I’m the most improved player in the NBA, I think I’ve always been a good player, it’s just more about opportunity and role increasing."
Damian Lillard正因傷休戰中,CJ McCollum亦表示他將扛起更多進攻重責,整個12份他場均貢獻22.3分、4.1籃板和5.3助攻。

(Source: SB Nation Blazer's Edge: Ryan A Sterling: McCollum: "I'm not most improved, I've always been good.")
