Steve Kerr:「會為Andrew Bogut設計三分戰術」 Andrew Bogut:「三分大賽? 只要不是罰球大賽就可以了......」

今天勇士擊敗鵜鶘的比賽中,Andrew Bogut在第三節命中了一個三分球,其後勇士迅速打出一波13比0的攻勢拉開比分。賽後Steve Kerr和Andrew Bogut都談論了這個「意外」的三分球。
據Sfgate報導,Steve Kerr開玩笑的表示會為Andrew Bogut設計三分戰術,「我們也許會設計一些三分戰術給他。他經常在訓練投三分,而且他確實是個不錯的三分投手,如果他想的話,他是能投中一些球的。不過他不想,他只對蓋帽,助攻之類的事感興趣」
引用“We may have to draw up a couple plays for Bogues now. We’ll see,” Warriors head coach Steve Kerr joked. “No, he messes around in practice, and he’s actually a pretty good shooter. If he just lets it fly, he can make shots. It’s just not what he’s thinking about out there. He just wants to block shots, get assists and do his thing. …
之後Steve Kerr也認真的評論了這記三分的重要性:「這(Andrew Bogut的三分)激勵了球隊,板凳球員都瘋了,球迷們也瘋了,像這種幸運球確實能支撐我們繼續前進。」

“It seemed to energize the team. The bench was going crazy. The crowd was going nuts. It was one of those lucky plays that gets you going.”
對於這球三分,Andrew Bogut自己也很驚喜,他也開玩笑地表示自己也許明年會參加三分大賽:「為什麼不呢(參加三分大賽),只要不是罰球大賽就可以了。」

(Souce: SFGATE:
Andrew Bogut’s rare 3-pointer highlights Warriors’ victory)
