魔術中鋒: 投三分是趨勢 下賽季增加外線出手

三分球已經成為現代籃球的一大標誌,不少內線球員都開始順應潮流投三分,而魔術中鋒Nicola Vucevic似乎也有意在新賽季加強外線能力。
來自Orlando Sentinel的報導,魔術希望Nicola Vucevic下賽季能夠多出手三分。"我想這(三分)會在進攻端為我們創造很多東西,以及我們需要的空間。"Nicola Vucevic進一步表示: "我想這也是聯盟的大勢所趨,我們需要需要去適應。這會適合我們的。"
引用“I think it creates lots of things for us offensively and a lot of space that we need,” Vucevic said. “But I think it’s also the way the league is going. We have to adapt. Also, I think that it fits us.”

上個賽季魔術的各項三分數據指標都排在下游位置。主教練Frank Vogel和他的執教團隊一直在想辦法去嘗試讓球隊的進攻更現代化。"空間讓每個人都更好。我們一直在鼓勵和推動他(Nicola Vucevic),三分球是他夏天訓練計畫中很重要的部份。他在訓練營時已經準備好了,我們讓他每次訓練出手一個三分,之後會逐漸嘗試去掉限制並給他開綠燈,讓他把外線投射變成常規武器。"

引用“Space makes everyone better,” Vogel said. “We’re encouraging him and pushing him, and a big part of his summer plan was to work on the 3 ball. He came into camp [ready] and he’s shooting maybe one a practice or so. And we’ve been trying to push the envelope to just give him the green light and teach him to find ways to make it a weapon more than once a game.”

確實,提升內線的三分能力可以為Elfrid Payton, Aaron Gordon和Jonathon Simmons等運動能力出色的魔術球員拉開空間。事實上,Nicola Vucevic去季已經有意提高自己的三分出手數。2016/17賽季Vucevic在三分線外出手了75次,命中了其中的23個。當然,能夠在低位和外線之間取得平衡非常重要。


引用“If I’m just standing [out] on the 3 and I’m not making my guy do really anything, it’s not helping the team nor me,” Vucevic said. “I think as we play more and more games, as we practice more and more, it will just come automatically.”

(source: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/orlando-magic/os-sp-orlando-magic-nikola-vucevic-1007-story.html)
