魔術新援首度回歸馬刺主場 Popovich: 很替他高興

今天NBA的季前賽繼續進行,馬刺在主場迎來魔術的挑戰。最終魔術五人得分上雙,以103:98擊敗馬刺。本場比賽亦是Jonathon Simmons轉投魔術後首次回到AT&T中心。
上賽季Jonathon Simmons能夠為馬刺貢獻6.2分、2.1籃板、1.6助攻。季後賽他的表現有所提升,場均數據上漲至10.5分、1.9籃板、1.9助攻。休賽期期間,魔術以一份3年2000萬的合約簽下Jonathon Simmons。

賽前馬刺教練Gregg Popovich 接受採訪時被問到Jonathon Simmons的倒戈,他表示:"很高興可以見到他。我已經等不及了,他有一顆大心臟,他也經歷了很多。"
引用“It’s going to be great to see him,” Popovich said. “I can’t wait. He’s got a big heart and he’s come a long way.”
"他曾經自己花錢去打發展聯盟,現在他拿到了這樣一份合同,“Gregg Popovich說,”對他而言,這是一個全新的世界。我很高興他有現在的生活。顯然的,他是一個很有天賦的球員。我過去常和他說,你的職業生涯有多長取決於你用怎樣的情緒和心態去處理事情,因為你的天賦就擺在那裡。"

引用He paid his way into the D League, and here he is with a contract,” Popovich said. “It’s a whole new world for him. I’m glad he has this life now. And he’s obviously a talented player. I use to tell him it’s all between the ears. How long your career is going to last is depending upon on how you handle things on an emotional and mental basis because the talent is there.
“And he did a great job for us last year. He came along way in that regard as far as his mental discipline and being more efficient on the court, so hopefully that will continue for Orlando.”

有趣的是,早前Jonathon Simmons接受訪問時表示,回到AT&T中心他沒有太多情緒和想法,他還說這些都是跟Popovich學的。一名魔術記者如賽向Popovich轉述了Jonathon Simmons的說法,結果Popovich說:"他真的說我教過他這些?我還真不知道。"不過玩笑歸玩笑,據報Jonathon Simmons賽前已經跟Gregg Popovich有過見面。

而比賽中Jonathon Simmons亦展現了自己的成長,在33分鐘的上場時間內,Simmons15投7中,拿下20分10助攻。
