湖人新援上演常規賽首秀 Luke Walton: 很高興有他回來

湖人主場112:119不敵鵜鶘,不過輸球之餘也有好消息,得分後衛Kentavious Caldwell-Pope在今天的比賽正式回歸。
和鵜鶘的比賽Kentavious Caldwell-Pope正選出戰,在31分鐘的出場時間內,Caldwell-Pope11投7中,三分4中2,拿下20分。這也是他常規賽首次為湖人出戰。早前Caldwell-Pope因為酒駕的關係而被禁賽兩場,因而缺席了賽季前兩戰。湖人作客迎戰太陽的比賽,Caldwell-Pope甚至只能在酒店透過電視看直播。

引用“It was kind of hard for me,” Caldwell-Pope said. “I wanted to be out there helping my teammates just playing along with them. They pulled out one for me. It just felt good to just be out there.”

Luke Walton也對Caldwell-Pope的表現給出了正面的評價: “很顯然,他在這支球隊還是新球員,但他已經和其他隊友們融合得很好。前兩場比賽沒有他對我們來講很受傷了,他開始找到雙腿的感覺並打出一些我們想要他打出的風格。他顯然是我們球隊最好的射手之一。他已經在聯盟打了幾年,是一名很棒的防守者,他為我們做了很多事情,而我們也很興奮他回來了"。
引用“He’s obviously new to the team but he’s really kind of bonded well with our guys,” Lakers coach Luke Walton said. “It hurt to lose him for those first two games. He really kind of started to get his legs under him and play the way we wanted him to play; obviously he’s one of our better shooters on the team and he’s been in the league a few years and knows personnel and is a great defender. He does a lot of things for us that we’re excited to have back.”


