Steve Kerr第一個賽季的趣事 Klay老是忘記戰術?!

2017/18賽季已經是Steve Kerr執教勇士的第4個球季,也是他本人教練生涯的第4個球季。
The Athletic記者Marcus Thompson II今天在一篇關於勇士Klay Thompson的文章中披露,原來這位精英射手在Steve Kerr的第一個賽季時經常忘記戰術部署。
引用Per Thompson II:
In Warriors coach Steve Kerr’s first season with the team, he assigned an assistant coach to Klay Thompson. If his memory serves him correctly, it was Alvin Gentry. When Kerr drew up a play in the huddle, Gentry’s task was then to follow up with Thompson and give him the call again. Thompson had a habit of forgetting it on his way from the bench to the court.
Marcus Thompson II表示,Steve Kerr在勇士的首個賽季時,會把其中一個助教分配在Klay Thompson身邊。如果Marcus Thompson II的記憶正確的話,這個助教就是鵜鶘現任主教練Alvin Gentry。當Steve Kerr對全隊佈置了一遍戰術後,Alvin Gentry的任務就是在Klay Thompson身邊重複一次Steve Kerr剛剛說過的戰術。因為.....
Klay Thompson從板凳走出去球場的時侯就已經習慣性把戰術忘掉了(也太快了吧)。轉截了這篇報導的Larry Brown Sports也忍不住調侃了一下Klay Thompson: 有證據持續證明Klay Thompson活在更高的意識平面。

