巫師二當家: 我們有點自滿了 仍然認為球隊東岸最強

華盛頓巫師昨日在客場以107:96撃敗多倫多速龍,終結了兩連敗。在主控John Wall缺陣的情況下,巫師二當家Bradley Beal出戰了40分鐘,26投16中,拿下38分、4助攻、5籃板。
本賽季的巫師球員在場外都有不少的言論,在對陣湖人前,中鋒Marcin Gortat指John Wall會在場上折磨Lonzo Ball48分鐘,而John Wall本人也表示跟Lonzo Ball對位讓他很有動力,結果輕敵的巫師加時99:102不敵湖人。隨後Bradley Beal又在和騎士的比賽前表示巫師是東岸最好的球隊,沒有之一。結果Lebron James在該場攻下57分,帶領狀態甚差的騎士擊敗巫師。

和速龍的比賽結束後,巫師中鋒Marcin Gortat在接受採訪時表示球隊需要保持謙虛。而Bradley Beal則認為他們有點自滿了: "我會認為是早一段時間,也許是在我們拿到3勝0負的開局後。然後我們迎戰湖人,我想是從那場比賽開始。我們自己認為自己比以前變得更好了,我們取得了三場很棒的勝利。但同時我們需要通過在客場贏球來成為一支出色的球隊。

引用“I would say early on, probably when we were 3-0,” Beal said. “Then we played the Lakers. I think that kind of started it. We kind of thought we were going to be better than we were. We had three great wins but at the same time, we got to be able to win on the road to be a great team.”

至於自己有關巫師東岸最強的言論,Bradley Beal表示:" 我覺得我們是最好的球隊。我總是認定這一點。為什麼我要坐在這裡然後說另一支球隊比我們更好呢?我不會這樣說。我,我的隊友,還有我們能為球隊帶來甚麼,我對這一切抱有信心。"
引用“I feel like we’re the best team,” Beal said about the Eastern Conference, repeating a statement he has shared since training camp. “I always stand by it. Why would I sit here and say another team is better than my team? I’m not going to sit here and do that. I’ve got confidence in myself and my teammates and what we can bring to our team.”

(source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wizards-insider/wp/2017/11/06/after-big-win-marcin-gortat-suggests-wizards-to-become-a-more-humble-team/?utm_term=.f5e71673e96d)
