Paul Pierce: Bradley Beal會是東部最強分衛 他將接過D-Wade的權杖

塞爾特人名宿Paul Pierce昨天接受了一檔電台節目的訪問,他跟觀眾分享了一些對華盛頓巫師得分後衛Bradley Beal的看法。Paul Pierce認為,Bradley Beal會是東部最強得分後衛。
過去四場比賽,Bradley Beal場均砍下34.3分、4.8籃板,狀態相當火熱。Paul Pierce對這位前隊友盛讚有加: "他現在打得很銳利,像我所說的。這是你會在Brad身上看到的東西,犀利的球風讓他變成更好的球員。我告訴過他,當你開始在場上打出犀利的表現時,你會成為更好的球員。你需要去場上,感覺你是最強的,沒有人能守得住你。你必須要有這種心態,這與你是否比對手更強硬沒有關係,這是你站在場上要表現出的心態。"

引用"It's playing with an edge, as I like to call it," Pierce said. "That's what you've seen more in Brad and that's what has made him a better player, I believe. I told him when he starts playing with that edge, 'it's going to make you a better player.' You've gotta go out there and feel like you're the best and this guy can't guard you. It's gotta be that mindset. It's all a mindset. This has nothing to with showing that you're tougher than this guy or having to fight, it's just a mindset when you come out here."
Paul Pierce認為Bradley Beal是時候成為東部最強得分後衛: "本賽季Bradley Beal毫無疑問能入選全明星, Dwyane Wade已經統治了東部二號位很長時間了,我想Bradley Beal是時候從Dwyane Wade頭上接過皇冠,然後成為東部最強分衛。”

引用"I think he should be an All-Star this year without a doubt," Pierce explained. "With Dwyane Wade holding that crown for years, being the top two-guard, I think Bradley Beal should be holding that crown now as the top two-guard in all of the East."

