木狼超六: 勇士團結一致 在快艇我們處理逆境的方式不夠好

木狼今天以101:125不敵勇士,超六Jamal Crawford出場19分鐘,8投3中,拿到6分2助攻。昨天Jamal Crawford接受了一段採訪,談到了勇士和他曾經效力的快艇。
Th Athletic記者Macus Thompson對Jamal Crawford進行了訪問。這位老將加盟木狼前在快艇效力了5個賽季,這5季快艇全數打入了季後賽,但就是沒辦法摸到西決地板。反而2012年還排在西部第13的勇士,用了三年時間就捧起了總冠軍獎盃。"勇士不只是最好的球隊,他們是最強的球隊(強調凝聚力和化學反應),他們從來不會分裂,全員團結一致,你必須要有這樣的精神。“Jamal Crawford表示。“當面對逆境的時候,它不會幫你塑造品質,而是會暴露出真實的性格,我們處理逆境的方式不夠好,然後在錯誤的時間碰上了傷病,一部份是自己造成的,一部份則是因為運氣不好。"
Jamal Crawford進一步說道: "我在那的五年裡,我們的在常規賽的勝場數是第3、第4多的。有一些地方我們做對了,有一些沒有。“"

引用The Warriors weren’t only the best team, but they were the best team (emphasizing their cohesiveness and chemistry). They never splintered. They stayed together. They handled the moment. You gotta have that.
"When adversity hits, it doesn’t build character, it reveals it. We didn’t handle it well. And then, at the wrong time, we had injuries. So some of it was self-inflicted, some of it was bad luck.

"In that five years I was there, we won the third or fourth most games. We were right there in a lot of different ways, and in some ways we weren’t.”
可能有球迷忘記了,事實上Jamal Crawford曾經在2008/09賽季為勇士效力過。而他似乎還滿懷念在灣區的生活: "那是我生涯裡第一次在太陽能曬醒我的地方打球。我常常去Burrito Shop(墨西哥餐廳),去Jack London廣場的Barnes & Noble(著名書店),吃炸雞和華夫餅。在那兒球迷永遠不會放棄,我可以誠實地告訴你們,他們不是勝利粉絲,我們那賽季打得不好,但他們仍然支持我們。"

引用This was the first place I played in the NBA where the sun woke me up,” Crawford told The Athletic. “I used to always go to the Burrito Shop. Go hang out in Jack London Square at the Barnes & Noble. Get some chicken and waffles. 
"One thing about here, the fans give it up. I can honestly say they’re not bandwagon fans. We weren’t good that season and they represented.”

(source: http://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/warriors/jamal-crawford-explains-why-warriors-enjoyed-more-success-clippers)
