被熱火大將撞傷右膝!? 爵士高塔: "那是一個骯髒的動作"

昨天爵士以74:84不敵熱火。在比賽中,爵士中鋒Rudy Gobert被熱火後衛Dion Waiters撞到了右膝,一度退場後回到了比賽。不過今天爵士和籃網的比賽Rudy Gobert則宣佈右膝撞傷而缺陣。
"我感到有點痛,我知道我的韌帶沒事,只是痛而已。"Rudy Gobert昨天賽後表示。
引用"I was feeling a little sore," Gobert said. "I know that my ligaments were fine, so it was just pain."

然而從Rudy Gobert可以發現,他對Dion Waiters的動作有點不滿: "這比在影片中看起來感覺要好,“Gobert說,”我認為那是一個骯髒的動作,但是無論如何,最重要的事情是繼續努力,在明天的比賽中拿下勝利。“
引用“It feels better than it looked on the video,” Gobert said. “I think it was a dirty play, but no matter what the most important thing is to keep getting better and to win tomorrow."
談到Dion Waiters的動作時,Rudy Gobert指出: "他從我膝蓋這邊衝過來,有些像我以前膝蓋副韌帶發生過的事。我的膝蓋向內凹,然後裡面腫脹了起來。"
引用“He just dove right into my knee,” Gobert described. “Kind of like the same thing that happened before on my MCL so my knee just went inside and kind of popped inside and back out.”

這是不是一個骯髒的動作每個人都有自己的看法。從影片上來看,Dion Waiters感覺是失去了平衡於是收步不及,大家覺得呢?
