K教練: Irving做出了正確的決定 他會成為一個出色的領袖

Kyrie Irving今年夏天向騎士提出交易請求,造成相當大的轟動,亦令KI本人承受了不少的質疑。賽季至今,Kyrie Irving帶領著塞爾特人打出聯盟第一的戰績,自己也進入MVP榜單之中,讓質疑的聲音煙消雲散。昔日曾經執教過Irving的K教練(Mike Krzyzewski)表示,KI做出了正確的決定。
K教練曾經在杜克大學和美國隊執教過Kyrie Irving,對這位弟子相當了解和支持。早在7月的時侯,K教練已經給Kyrie Irving發過訊息,告訴他如果需要任何幫助的話,K教練隨時願意傾聽和提供意見。不過顯然地,Irving很清楚自己想要甚麼。
"目前發生在他身上的事是我之前就想到會發生的事,他會成為一個出色的領袖。“K教練接受The Boston Globe的電話訪問時表示: “他天生就是一個出色的球員,更是一個出色的領袖。我想這是他想要抓住機會的原因之一。這不是對克里夫蘭任何人的冒犯,而是相當正面積極的,就像是,'看,我一直都想這樣做,我想去成為一個領袖。'我會為他的做法鼓掌。他是正確的,做這樣的決定是正確的。"

引用“What I see happening with him right now is something I thought would happen eventually, and that’s him becoming a great leader,” Krzyzewski said in a phone interview. “He was born to be a great player, but he was also born to be a great leader, and I think that’s one of the reasons he wanted to take this chance.

“It wasn’t a negative against anybody [in Cleveland]. It was a positive of, ‘Look, I’m only going to do this for so long. I want to be that leader.’ And I applaud him for doing that. And he’s right. He was right in making that decision.”
事實上,K教練和塞爾特人主帥Brad Stevens以及球隊老闆之一的Steve Pagliuca份屬好友,他們也曾就Kyrie Irving的情況交談過: "他的傳球,很多人把他標籤為得分手。我告訴他們(塞爾特人),這孩子擁有難以置信的持球掩護能力,他很會傳球。我想你們已經見識過了,他的傳球只會變得更好。"


引用“His passing,” Krzyzewski said. “A lot of people just started labeling him as a scorer. And I told the Celtics, ‘This kid is unbelievable in ball screens, and he can pass the ball.’ And I think you’ve already seen that, and that’ll only get better.”

“You’re going to see more from him than you ever saw in Cleveland,” he told them.

(source: http://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/celtics/2017/11/28/coach-knew-kyrie-irving-trade-request-was-right-call/SXbkqVuXj3ysb11ysum3gN/story.html)
