小牛記者: Nerlens Noel訓練不刻苦 他會為拒絕4年7200萬的合同而後悔

達拉斯小牛記者Newy Scruggs近期在Sports Day.com接受線上即時訪問時被問到Nerlens Noel的近況,這位年輕中鋒自從進入11月後上場時間直線下降,而原因似乎是因為他的訓練態度。
Newy Scruggs是達拉斯當地著名的記者、節目主持和電台主持,他對小牛的情況瞭如指掌。上星期他在Sports Day.com接受觀眾的線上即時訪問。有球迷問道,為甚麼德國大前鋒Maximilian Kleber近來取代了Nerlens Noel擔任首發,Newy Scruggs表示: "消息人士告訴我Nerlens Noel 從來都不是一個訓練刻苦的球員。我完全不明白他為什麼會拒絕一份4年7200萬美元的報價,而選擇去爭取一份頂薪合同。他的狀態並沒有達到最好,在球場上的表現也沒有達到球隊以前在他身上看到過的水平。

引用My sources tell me that Nerlens Noel is not known as a hard worker.
I cannot for the life of me understand that if a player decides to turn down a 4-year, $72 million contract to bet on himself getting a max deal why that player would not be in top shape and perform at a level the club has never seen.

This should have been a career year for Noel. Now he is stuck on the bench with too many DNP-Coaches decision for a stat line.
Newy Scruggs接著表示:“就算是Shawn Bradley (小牛著名水貨球員),在他的合同年時依然打出了不錯的表現,最終讓Mark Cuban 在2001年8月給了他一份7年3050萬美元的合同。

而Noel,他還是活在他的世界裡。我得知他從來都沒有努力訓練的觀念,這是沒辦法讓Rick Carlisle這樣的主帥接受的。

引用Even Shawn Bradley had a career when he was in his free-agent year and fooled Mark Cuban into giving him a seven year deal for $30.5 million back in August of 2001.

Not Noel. Dude is in his own world. I'm told he doesn't have a sense of hard play and that's not going to fly with a head coach like Rick Carlisle who had to cut his teeth as a NBA player.

Until Noel shows a better work ethic other players will get minutes. I just think we will see Noel traded. It's a shame because the club had high hopes for him when he came from Philly in a trade last year.
And he can kiss his dreams of a max deal. He will regret passing on $72 million.
也有球迷問道,Harrison Barnes持續成長,但會不會被Dennis Smith Jr.的發展掩蓋住了光芒,Newy Scruggs表示不會,球隊知道Harrison Barnes依然是他們最好的球員。"
引用Is Harrison Barnes' growth being overshadowed by all the focus on Dennis Smith Jr.'s development?
Scruggs: No. Teams know when they play the Mavericks that their best player is Harrison Barnes.

(source: https://sportsday.dallasnews.com/dallas-mavericks/mavericks/2017/11/22/mavericks-nerlens-noel-can-kiss-dream-max-deal-goodbye)
