Carmelo Anthony:雷霆不存在化學反應問題 我們很享受與彼此一起打球

俄克拉荷馬雷霆似乎仍然陷於泥沼之中,三巨頭之間缺乏化學反應已經是老生常談。不過近來Carmelo Anthony表示,球隊並不存在化學反應差的問題。
在雷霆不敵紐約人的比賽結束後,Carmelo Anthony接受了ESPN記者Royce Young的訪問,他表示很享受跟雷霆這群隊友一起打球:「我們從來沒有化學反應的問題。我們都很喜歡並很享受與彼此一起打球,化學反應問題沒有存在過。」
引用"We've never had chemistry problems. We like, and enjoy, playing with one another. It's never been a chemistry problem," Anthony told ESPN's Royce Young after Saturday's loss to his former team.

雖然Carmelo Anthony這樣說,但事實上,雷霆的進攻依然是聯盟下游水平。而三巨頭的命中率也是在聯盟墊底。「現在對我來說是一個不同的位置嗎?是的。對我來說是一個不同的體系嗎?也是。我需要接受一些事情,一些我每天付出大量努力的事情,例如自己在球隊中的角色,以及我們需要我做什麼來讓球隊取得成功。但這需要我和球隊的共同努力。」Anthony表示。
引用"It is a different situation for me? Yes. Different dynamic for me? Yes," Anthony said. "Something I have to accept. Something I'm working on every day as far as my role on this team, what we need from me in order for this team to be successful. But this is, for me and the team, it's about big picture for us."

